Chapter 13

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A gigantic pokemon materialised. It was a dragon species, with a long head in the middle and two additional heads coming from its sides. Its wings were divided to six parts similar to Giratina in its origin form, which helped it to fly.

The brutal pokemon, Hydreigon gave out a loud and ferocious cry releasing a dark aura scaring the living day out of everyone. Everyone knew Paul was serious about this if he was using that pokemon.

Ash was unfazed and not surprised to see a Pseudo Legend on Paul's team. That guy still had a knack for powerhouses. Ash just closed his eyes and smiled much to everyone's surprise.

"And Paul has sent out his ferocious dragon type but Ash doesn't seem to appear worry about it. Which pokemon is he planning to use?" said the announcer.

Pikachu got of his shoulder. Everyone thought he was using Pikachu. Paul smirked at his foolishness but soon stopped when the mouse got into a sitting position on the ground next to its trainer and let out a cute yawn. The gesture earned some chuckles and awws from the audience. Paul was slightly mad at that 'don't care' attitude of the mouse.

Ash thought for a moment and took out a pokeball.

"It would only be fair if I used a dragon type as well," with that he threw the pokeball in the air.

A dark violet bipedal creature appeared. It had huge claws and a powerful physique. It glared at its opponent with yellow fear striking eyes before leaping into the air and gave out a loud, terrifying roar that sent a huge shockwave to the stadium.

Both people and pokemon leaped back of their seats in fear, while some were shaking due to the presence of the two powerful dragon types.

' Looks like Charizard taught him about first impressions resulting the roar just now.' Ash thought.

Hydreigon was excited to fight sensing a worthy opponent.

"Smart choice," Ethan said still eating tacos.

"That thing sure looks strong, strong as Cynthia's," said Flint.

"Oh please," said Aaron scoffing, "Lots of trainer has a Garchomp that doesn't mean everyone can come close to Cynthia's. I bet that roar was just a show-off."

Flint sighed before looking back to the battle.

"SINCE WHEN ASH HAS A GARCHOMP?" Iris yelled with excitement and shock, being the dragon type fanatic.

'A garchomp,' Dawn thought before it hit her as her eyes widened in shock.

"Wait is that-?"

"Ash's Gible?" Brock finished her thought with the same expression.

Dawn nodded as she looked towards the powerful mach pokemon. Piplup in her arms looked terrified as well.

"Wait wait. You mean that pokemon over there is the same trigger happy Gible who used to bite the fence off at Gramps lab?" asked Gary remembering suddenly.

"Apparently yes," Brock said chuckling. "He also liked to bite Ash's head off if I remember correctly." Some of them looked surprised at how casually he said that.

"Yeah that was before he caught it," added Dawn with a giggle.

"Looks like Ashy boy wasn't kidding when he said he went on a training journey," said Gary thoughtfully.

That grabbed their attention.

"Wait that reminds me. When and how did you meet him?" asked May.

"An hour ago." Gary replied. "Apparently gramps and Scott knew about him all along."

"Wait Scott?" asked Max.

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