Chapter 35

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Two Days Later

"Samurott, Ice Beam."

"Dodge it Sceptile."

The students of the academy were now on full throttle. After the announcement, they started to work extra hard and gave effort on what they were capable at. The battlefields, studios and research facilities were all extremely busy. The girls were all occupied within their fields. May and Dawn were working hard with their fellow coordinators. Serena, even not participating helped out the other performers and practiced herself as well. Brock, Gary, Goh and Cilan were exercising for the practical field exam. As for the others, they were giving everything they had in training. Right now, Ash along with some of his friends and rivals were training in an indoor gym, all to themselves.

"That's enough for now," the raven haired trainer said.

"Phew. Your Samurott is really fast," praised Sawyer as he returned his Sceptile.

These two and the others were having a spar with their pokemon as a warm-up session.

"You can always use Frenzy Plant to evade super effective moves like that," Ash said as he stroked Samurott's neck.

"Keeping distance...... good point," Sawyer muttered as he wrote down on his notebook.

"Hey Ash?" a voice called out across the battlefield. He looked at the direction and saw Cameron having a battle with Kiawe.

"Yeah?" he called back.

"Any suggestion to dodge a Z-move?" he asked causing Kiawe to fall anime-style.

"What?! You can't just dodge something like that," he said fiercely.

Ash thought about it when Max replied instead.

"Well, Z-moves cover a large area so, even if you use a flying type, it will take damage," he said analytically as Kiawe buffed his chest with pride.

"You can always use Dig or Protect," Ash said simply.

Everyone gave him an incredulous look and facepalmed, not being able to think of such a simple answer.

"Alright, thanks," Cameron said as his fire type opponent grunted in annoyance.

"Really Ash? What do you feed that thing?" a voice of a girl said as she came towards them on her rolling skates with a panting Lucario behind.

"Oh hey Korrina how's your-?" Ash started when the gym leader interrupted.

"Don't hey me," she said with a pout and pointed behind her. A large round pokemon could be seen lying on the ground.

"Lucario has been hitting your Snorlax for the last half an hour. And that thing hasn't move a muscle heck even faint," she complained as her Lucario chorused with her too.

Ash and Sawyer sweatdrop at her child-like attitude.

"Well in that case, you can train with my Samurott then," the harem king said pointing at his water type.

"Thank you Ash. Let's go Samurott," she said excitedly as the formidable pokemon followed her with a nod.

After she was gone, Ash turned to his rival.

"I know that we all have come here to train, but it almost feels like I am training you guys instead," he said.

"Well, I think that's pretty obvious Ash," a familiar voice interrupted before Sawyer could reply. They turned around to see two person approaching them. One of them had red woolly hair with gray eyes. He was wearing a yellow shirt with red loose pants. The other had green hair with similar colour eyes. He was wearing a sleeveless black vest with orange pants.

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