Chapter 1

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The Kanto Region

An 18 year old teenager was standing in front of a building. He was wearing a dark blue hoodie with grey pants and trainer shoes. The hoodie was covering his raven hair which was hidden under his cap. Perched atop his shoulder was a yellow rodent who was the boy's faithful partner. He just finished a small mission regarding some hunters who were smuggling pokemon eggs. He sighed and entered the building he was standing in front of.

The building was the headquarters of Kanto Defence Association. This was established mainly to prevent all sorts of crimes and ensuring the protection of civilians as well. So far it has done a outstanding job in matters of eradicating evil syndicates around the Kanto region and the other regions as well. The said boy entered the HQ and proceeded towards the control room to check if things are under control. He was in an elite position in the KDA because of his remarkable achievements and leadership. Though he will never admit, every single member respected him and looked upto him as a leader. As he was on his way, someone interrupted him.

"Excuse me, Sir"

The boy look towards the person who called him and saw that he was Bill, a member newly recruited a month ago. He was very strict on following his own disciplines, but yet very loyal.

The boy sighed at his formality and spoke,"Bill, how many times I told you not to call me sir, its Ash." Bill just nodded and continued, "Anyways Sir, as I was saying," Ash sweatdropped and decided to leave him on that. "Champion Lance and Gym Leader Clair have visited not too long ago and waiting for you in the meeting room."

Ash was highly surprised. Sure Lance and Clair used to visit every quite often, but appearing so suddenly, they must have a reason for that.

Ash said,"Thanks for notifying me Bill, you can go now." Bill nodded replied,"Your welcome Sir." With that he walked away. Ash thought 'He is just like lucario. In his case calling me Master.'

" Pika Pi?" asked the yellow rodent on his shoulder.

Ash shrugged it off and replied, " Yeah sorry bud. Let's go and meet them". "Pika". Ash smiled as he took the elevator to the fifth floor where the meeting room was located.

Ash reached the meeting room and entered. He saw that the Johto Champion and the gym leader of Blackthorn city were talking about something. They stopped when they saw the person who came in. Lance always had a serious expression on his face and some even wondered if his frown was actually his birthmark. But there was always a smile on his face every time he saw the Kanto Champion in person.

Clair got up with a smile and gave Ash a hug. " How are you Ash? Its been so long."
Ash smiled and returned the gesture, "Been any better, I guess," he said laughing nervously. He broke the hug and shook hands with Lance. "Always good to see you Ash," said Lance. "Likewise," replied the trainer.
Its been two years since Ash became the champion. Right now he holds three Championship titles. Kanto, Alola and the big one, the World Champion. After defeating Leon in the World Coronation Series, he was offered with the title. But Ash, being humble as he is, simply refused because he thought he wasn't ready for it yet. Leon respected his decision and kept the title. But in the eyes of him and the rest of the world, he was already a champion. He got very popular after that victory as trainers including his rivals wanted to battle him so bad. After temporarily separating from one of his best friend, Goh, Ash thought he should take a break before continuing his positon as a research scientist in the Cerise Laboratory. But things don't go the way they're always planned. A certain incident happened in his life that changed almost everything. For the safety of his loved ones, he had to cut himself from the world, as being a member of the KDA and now a leader-like figure.
He knew of all the evil teams he had disbanded before in the past will try to get to him or his loved ones. So he joined the association, working under Lance and his G-men. He trained as a trainer and improved his skills with aura which he shortly discovered after. When he was at his strongest, he challenged the Elite Four and easily defeated them with the help of his pokemon before becoming the champion. It was a private battle so nobody knew who was the new Champion of Kanto as Lance refused to give information. Soon after that, he started taking down every single criminal organization one by one, some with the help of his elite squad, while some singlehandedly. Needless to say all of Ash's pokemon (except pikachu ofc) have evolved to their final forms and are now stronger then ever. He also caught some new ones as well. Rumour has it that the Kanto Champion is in possession of legendaries, which was indeed true to its word. Lance respected Ash as a person as well as a trainer, a trainer who loves and respects his pokemon. All of his pokemon were so loyal, they were ready give their lives for their trainer, which Ash wasn't very fond of.

They proceeded to take a seat to start the meeting. Pikachu curled into a ball on its trainers lap as the duo sat across from the raven haired boy. Ash started the conversation, "So, what brings you two here? I suppose you didn't just came to say hello?" Lance turned to Clair and said, "See? Always to the point. I like this kid."
Clair just sighed as she said," Well Ash, yes we did came here for a few reasons which also includes seeing how you're doing." Ash smiled as he replied, "And I hope you two know, I'm always grateful for that." The dragon duo smiled, seeing that despite everything he goes through, he never forgets to flash his warmth radiating signature smile.

"There is a new mission for you," Lance said finally

'Thought so,' Ash said to himself.

"But this one in particular might be difficult for you," said Clair.

Ash rose an eyebrow. "Why exactly? " asked the Kantonian.
Clair gestured Lance to continue. The older cousin sighed as he said, "You might have to encounter some people from your past"

Ash just sat there as he possessed what he said. Past? Ash was silent a few minutes. The duo was worried how he would react about this. Ash just gave a heavy sigh as he recollected himself and replied, "I had to someday. Might as well be now than ever." The duo nodded understandingly. "Besides...." Ash said, "I do owe them an explanation, don't I?" Lance beamed at Ash's maturity. The kid he knew back then has grown up so much,heck he would even give his Johto Champion title to Ash if he ever retires. Though he doubts he will be willing to take another responsibility.

"So what is the mission?" asked Ash.

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