Chapter 39

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"Clemont, what's going on? I'm scared," said the frightened voice of Bonnie.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine," replied Bonnie's elder brother Clemont, who wasn't assured himself.

Team Cosmos have already taken over the whole campus in a few minutes. The others at first didn't understand why they weren't using their pokemon's power, until they tried to open their pokeballs. The grunts were searching around the campus for any pokemon that were hidden. And sure enough, they found some.

"No, LUCARIO," screamed Korrina when a grunt dragged her partner with a strange collar around its neck. She started to run towards it, only to be stopped in her tracks.

"Malamar, Psychic."

She found herself wrapped in Psychic energy that freezed her on the spot.

"Go back to your position girl. Don't dare to move," another grunt said, bluntly.

"Oh no, Snowy," yelled Lillie as one of the female goons threw the rare Ninetails into a cage.

"This one will give us loads," smirked the grunt as she locked the cage.

"Lillie..." Gladion muttered sadly seeing his sister like this. He clenched his fist in anger, thinking if only his pokemon were here. His Umbreon was still managing to hide in the dark.

"NO! I won't give punks like you my Z-ring," yelled the voice of Kiawe as he was fighting with a grunt.

"So annoying," the grunt muttered and pointed a device that was on his wrist at Kiawe, who instantly froze from the paralysing rays. The grunt smirked and snatched the ring and crystal easily without any struggle. Sophocles on the other hand, didn't argued as he defeatedly handed over his.

"YOU BITCH," yelled May angrily as she tried to punch the Elite member Medea, who was handling the girls by herself.

"Mismagius," Medea said calmly as the floating ghost type pokemon beside her nodded and used Psychic on May, pushing her back harshly. She lost balance and fell on the ground.

"May, are you alright?" asked Dawn in a worried tone.

"Y-yeah," she whimpered.

"Now, Princess," Medea said in a cold tone, addressing Serena. "Hand me over those stones."

The honey blonde girl was reluctant, but didn't do anything resistive as she handed over her keystone and Ampharosite. It broke her from inside, but there was nothing she could do. May and Shauna had to give their Blazikenite and Venasaurite too respectively. Miette, Dawn and Anabel tried to comfort them, but they weren’t doing much better.

All of the students were getting robbed right before their eyes, but they couldn’t do anything. They never felt so helpless ever before. The Special forces were doing their best to get inside. Even using strong voltage of electricity, it wasn’t easy to break through the magnetic force field. The KDA from Kanto had already reached Kalos by then and were heading for Lumiose city. None of the other Elite four members and the Champion could come due to being outside the city or region. As of now, they only have one hope that could probably get them out of this situation.

Damon was simply supervising everything with a proud look in his eyes. He called over a small unit of grunts for the next task.

"Go to the dorms and break into the rooms. Take everything that's valuable," he ordered them. The unit saluted in unison and stormed off to the dorms. The men in the boys dorm and the women in the girls. Some of the boys tried to stop them, only to be blocked by an angry Tyranitar.

"I can't believe how weak we are without our pokemons," said Brendan with hopelessness in his voice.

"This is not fair at all," grunted Calem angrily.

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