Chapter 42

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Two weeks later

Ash's phone buzzed suddenly. The raven haired put down the consoler and glanced at the screen.

"Hm? Its a message from Dawn. Wonder what it is," said Ash aloud as he picked up his phone to open the received notification.

It's been two weeks since the incident of Team Cosmos. All the criminals were successfully captured by the KDA were sent behind the bars after proper justifications. Although, they left a big mess behind at the academy itself. Half of the arena was ruined due to the battle that took place. Scorching and burn marks were all over the place. In an attempt to break into the dorms, offices, labs and studios, the security system was sabotaged by the grunts, which later had to be fixed. Some of the pokemon that were abused was immediately sent to the Lumiose City Pokemon Centre since the one in the academy was out of service for the time being. Each and every individual was engaged in the duty to renovate the academy as soon as they could.

The fact that Ash was an Elite member of KDA itself caught most of them by surprise, but it was also not so shocking because he was the Champion of the very same region anyway so, it should've been quite obvious. He sent Mewtwo and Charizard back to base while he used some of his other mons like Venusaur, Gliscor, Hawlucha and Tauros to help in the reconstruction.

All the pokemons and other valuable belongings were returned to their rightful owners under Sabrina's supervision. It was a tough few weeks, but soon enough the Academy was back into its previous shape and lively than ever before. It was now time for everyone to concentrate on the main events that were going to take place from the next month.

We left off from where our Protagonist Ash Ketchum was relaxing in his dorm after an extremely busy schedule. He was playing 'Assassin's Creed Valhalla' on his new 'Xbox Series X' when a notification popped up on his phone screen.

'Come to my dorm ASAP' the blunette's message said.

"Sounds urgent to me. Might as well go right now," the boy murmured to himself.

He got up from the couch and stretched himself. Pikachu was taking a nap on the bed so, he decided to leave him here for now.


Ash entered the Girls dorm and walked towards the receptionist. The same girl from before was sitting there, lazily reading a magazine. She spotted the manly figure in the corner of her eyes and looked at him. The girl flashed a smile and immediately stood up while fixing herself.

"Good Morning Sir," she greeted Ash politely.

"Yeah, um I uh-" Ash tried to say, but the receptionist understood.

"You have come to meet Ms.Berlitz, right?" she guessed as the trainer nodded his head. The blunette had already informed her before Ash came so, there wasn't any problem.

"She's on the 5th floor and her Room no. is 501," the girl informed.

"Oh ok then, thanks for your help," Ash said appreciatively and waved her off before walking towards the elevator.

'So cute,' she thought dreamily with a blush on her face when she suddenly remembered something.

"W-wait, I can come with you if you- huh?" she called out to Ash, but the boy was already gone.

The girl huffed and pouted in annoyance.



The elevator doors opened as Ash stepped into the 5th floor. The surroundings were same as before with the loud voices and shoutings of many girls vibrating across the corridor. As the boy took in the view, he suddenly recalled what happened the last time he was here to meet May. He gulped at the awkward memory.

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