Chapter 3

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Kanto Defence Association

"World Academy of Elites?" asked the Kanto Champion.

Lance nodded before saying, "I presume you know everything from the previous chapter, so yes that is where you will go for this mission," he concluded.

Ash sat there clearing his thoughts before rethinking each and every detail that was given to him. All the people he used to know are going to be there and that is exactly where fate wants him to go.

"I don't understand " started Ash, "If what you said is true that many strong trainers across the world are there, not to mention the Elites, gym leaders or maybe even the champions, what do they need protection for exactly? "

Lance started but Clair answered this time. " You see Ash, that place is the centre of attracting crimes. So many strong trainers as you said, as well strong pokemons, also items like mega stones, Z-rings/crystals, rare pokemons as well as expensive pokeballs each will possess is just enough to make someone rich overnight. You see where I am getting at?" asked Clair.

"You still didn't answer my question."

"Think about it Ash. If someone trys to attack this place from the outside or inside, obviously they will be unprepared. You also heard about the gadgets that prevents a pokeball to open, didn't you? If this is well-planned, no one can save them and a lot of damage might be done," said Lance.

Ash thought about it before he spoke, "So you want me to join this academy to prevent something like that from happening? "

"Exactly" said Lance seeing that the trainer finally understood his mission.

"Besides," said Clair, "We thought you really need a break from all this and also meeting your old friends after so long will be great."

'That's what I am worried about ' thought Ash. "So when is the time of departure? "
Ash asked feeling nervous and somewhat excited at the same time.

"Two days from now", replied Lance.

"Great then I will start preparing everything. I will take my leave then," Ash said as he took pikachu and started to leave.

"You will have your own jet plane to go to Kalos," Lance said.

Ash stopped as he turned around and said, "Ok that's cool. But I want to be dropped by the outskirts of the region. I will go to the academy by myself after then." They nodded not questioning him further.

Ash got out of the meeting room. He got into the elevator to go to the top floor where his room was located. The door opened as a breeze of air hit him gently in the face. He chose this floor because the calm environment always seemed to provide peace in his anxious mind.

He started walking to his room, not before taking a peek to see what his pokemons were doing. The Champion's pokemons had their own training area on that floor suitable for them. His fire types and water types had their separate training area. His grass types used to spar with wild pokemons within the Mt.Moon area, where the HQ of KDA was located. His pokemons have their own training session so he need not have to be their for them always.

He watched as his Feraligatr fought with his Krookodile. His Greninja and Sceptile sparing and comparing their speed as always. Venusaur was giving advice to its fellow grass types. His strongest fire type pokemon- Charizard, was giving a hardcore training to his other fire types and dragon types. Some of them complained just to receive a hot glare from the orange dragon. Ash and Pikachu chuckled at this. His fighting types were having a hard time hitting Gengar, who just dodged their attacks easily and taunting them each time they missed with its sinister grin. Lycanroc and Tauros were measuring their strength and endurance, while his flying aces were having an aerial battle outside.

Ash was always happy to see all of his pokemon working so hard. He entered his luxurious room. It had a kitchen, bathroom, a king-sized bed and a Play Station 5 as well.

Two bipedal pokemon were inside his room, both in deep meditation. One was his strongest fighting type, the aura pokemon Lucario. The other was a really beautiful creature with white body, green hair, green outline, ruby eyes and a red fin coming out of its chest, the embrace pokemon, Gardevoir.

"Welcome back Master," both pokemon said in unison.

Ash sweatdropped. He always disliked it when they called him 'Master' but he couldn't do much about it.

Pikachu jumped from Ash's shoulder as it got on the couch to continue his nap.

"You're late than usual. Something happened? " Lucario asked Ash through aura.

Gardevoir on the other hand, with glowing blue eyes, started checking out every part of Ash's body for any injuries.

Ash flushed in embarrassment as he said, "Ga- Gardevoir! Cut it out, I told you not to do that and I don't have any injuries!"

Gardevoir innocently looked at its trainer's red face and said with a slight smile, "What are you talking about master?" she said through telepathy. Inside she always loved to tease Ash like that but she was very overprotective of him as well.

Ash rescued this Gardevoir when it was just a Ralts from some pokemon hunters. She was really scared and injured back then. But he took care of her until she got better. She took a liking to him sensing all the positive emotions in his heart. She wanted to join his team and Ash accepted her.

Gardevoir was Ash's second strongest psychic type pokemon.

"Damn right you know," Ash grumbled as Lucario and Gardevoir snickered.

"Anyway, in answer to your question Lucario, I was in a meeting with Lance and Clair." said Ash.

"New mission? " Lucario replied with a guess.

"Yes, but this one's.... different."

Both of them raised an eyebrow.

"I will explain later. Right now we need to prepare."

"Are we going somewhere? " asked the psychic type.

"Yes" Ash said before going to the bathroom to take a shower.

"We are going to Kalos"

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