Chapter 36

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Kanto Defence Association

Sabrina closed the door of the remand room with sheer force, almost to the point of breaking it. The two officers who were with her flinched from her temper.

"'am?" one of them asked uncertainly, just to receive a ridiculously cold glare from the former gym leader. He froze up in his place as the other officer sighed at his stupidity. With a grunt, the psychic stormed off to the Elite Member room of KDA.

"This is outrageous," the green haired girl muttered angrily as she entered the Elite Room, shutting the door fiercely once more.

Poor Doors.

Lance, the Champion of Johto was sitting on a couch, peacefully drinking his coffee  while reading a newspaper. The sudden outburst even startled him as some of the coffee spilled on his hand.

"Geez, women," he muttered annoyingly as he wiped the spilled liquid with a napkin. Sabrina just ignored him and walked towards the coffee machine to get some herself.
She sat opposite from Lance silently with her hot coffee, as she slowly took some sips, closing her eyes.

Lance decided to let her cool a bit as he continued reading the paper. After some minutes of uncomfortable silence, he finally spoke.

"So... how did it go?" he asked carefully, lowering the newspaper.

The frown from before was back on her face, as Sabrina clearly looked annoyed from the question.

"What?" she asked, even though she knows what he is taking about.

Lance sighed. "I am talking about the interrogation," he said clearly. "What did you find out?"

Sabrina just closed her eyes back and remained silent.

"Do I need to repeat myself?" he asked sternly, raising an eyebrow.


"Wha-?" Lance started as she interrupted.

"They told me nothing," the former gym leader said plainly.

The Dragon Master still was confused and a bit shocked. He sighed once more.

"It’s good to joke around once in a while, but I suggest you tell me what they-," Lance started, thinking Sabrina was kidding when she said they didn’t give her any information, but stopped when the woman finally lost it.

"I TOLD YOU THEY DIDN'T TELL ME A DAMN THING," she yelled at Lance, who jumped and cowered back on the sofa, using the newspaper as a protection.

"I used every one of my techniques I know. EVERY ONE OF THEM. But even if I kill them, those stupid mundane hunters won't bother to open their shitty mouths at all, f*ck," the psychic type expert let it all out on the poor Champion.

'Just why did it have to be me?'  Lance thought irritatedly as he silently signalled Sabrina to calm down. The girl inhaled a deep breath as she let it out and recomposed herself.

"I apologise," she said in her usual calm voice and continued to drink her coffee, as if nothing happened at all. The Dragon tamer sighed in relief as he readjusted his position.

"Usually criminals speak out everything they know just with a little push from us," Lance said frowning deeply. "It's almost like they were trained not to say anything if they ever got caught."

"Ridiculous," Sabrina muttered.

"Considering they didn’t say anything even to you, then I-,"

"They did say one thing," Sabrina interrupted him as Lance looked at her with disbelief.

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