Chapter 41

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"Is that everything?"

"Yep. Got'em all, let's go."

The grunts had split themselves up in groups regarding the matter of raiding the campus. Most of them were in the dorms while the others were in places like research labs, offices and pokemon center. Right now, two male grunts have wiped their hands on a particular boy's room, as they were about to leave.

"Going somewhere?" a voice asked from the doorway. The grunts turned around and saw two boys standing near the doorway.

"You punks. How did you get here?" one of them asked.

"Go down right now or else," the other warned.

The two boys laughed from their statements.

"You are telling me to leave my own room? Moreover, stealing my stuff that is," said Calem as he approached them, cracking his fists.

"They need to be taught a lesson about respecting people's privacy," said Brendan, mimicking the same gesture.

The two grunts went alert instantly. They dropped the stuff and pulled out their paralysing guns, pointing towards them.

"You are making a mistake," one of them said in a warning tone.

Calem and Brendan exchanged glances and smirked.

"We will see who actually made the mistake," Calem said as both parties leapt towards each other, engaging in a combat.


"Someone has really messed up with the system," said Clemont as he examined the electrical board switch.

"Those pricks must be behind this," replied Sophocles who was working continuously on his laptop.

These two have taken over the task of bringing back the electricity inside the academy. They were currently located in the main electrical supply room of this place. For now, their only source of light was Sophocles's Togedemaru, who wasn't captured like the others.

"If I connect this wire with this socket right here then...," said Clemont thoughtfully, only to get a shocking result as the sudden voltage threw him to the floor. His blonde hair fluffed up from the shock as he massaged his back.

"A-are you okay?" asked Sophocles worryingly.

"Ouch, y-yeah. That was pretty dangerous," the gym leader replied with a nervous laugh.

"Here," Sophocles said, pushing his laptop to Clemont who looked at the screen. "I hacked into the system and sorted out the map. If we fix this by following the original one in accordance, it might just work," the short boy said.

"Alright, let's give it a shot," said Clemont as he started to arrange everything in order. After some minutes, Clemont dropped a sweat.

"Phew. You can pull down the switch now, he said as Sophocles gulped.

"O-ok," he said unsurely and reached to the switch cautiously. He grabbed and pulled it down, as almost immediately all the lights turned on.

"Yes!" both of them exclaimed triumphantly.

"Great job," Clemont praised.

"You too. Its a team work," Sophocles said with a smile.

"Let's go and help the others."

"Right. C'mon Togedemaru."

With that, both electric type experts stormed off after a successful outcome of their task.


"Umm...aren't we supposed to go to the boys dorm?"

"Shut up and finish the task."

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