31: void

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Taehyung followed the demon back into the house. They went into jungkooks work room and the raven closed the door behind them.

"sit" jungkook said and walked past the desk to grab his own seat and sit in front of taehyung.
The boy took a seat like he said and waited, looking at jungkook curiously.

"okay, so i heard that yoongi had told you before about it. But from the roses" jungkook said. Taehyung nodded. "let me start by telling that you dont need to worry  For any harm by the infect like reaction, it wont hurt you its just something on the outside"

Taehyung was glad to know he wont need to panick thinking it was something bad and he will get hurt. But still he wanted to know why it happens
"but why?"

"well you know...I am not human, hell no im far from that. I am a demon, but also a dragon. My mother was one of the dragon kind. I wasnt exactly borm normal, my father granted me a power so i can one day take his place as king. It was a power from the voids" jungkook said he pulled up his sleeve and did something, suddenly his hand turned black amd it faded like a infection over his arm higher up. His nails went long and clawlike.

(kina like this, but more clawlike

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(kina like this, but more clawlike. Not so baby 👁️)

Taehyungs eyes widen and he reached out to touch jungkooks hand. The raven let him feel it. It didnt feel different only that the spots that had turned black were cold. He didnt really feel it.

"it feels strange?" taehyung said not sure if it was or not. He couldnt tell exactly what he felt. Just that it was cold.

"that is my void part. I dont use it often, i never practiced it. But thats why i affect nature around me. The void it nothing, but everything at the same time. Everything that is living and is connected to nature it affects. When im nearby my void ghost will release invisible power which makes the nature react and turn black. But as long i dont do anything nothing can happen"

"so, i will turn black? Into a void?"

"no no, not like that. It will come and go, it wont completely take over you"

"oh....Does it hurt you?"

"it doesnt, its part of me. I barely even notice it"

"about your father.."

"what about him" jungkook clearly didnt like talking about him seeing his kind expression falter.

"never mind.."

"hm, well then, now you know. I got to visit Seokjin. I got a nice treasure for him"

"can i go with you?"

"well..Yea but i dont like bringing you close to him, he isnt trustable" jungkook said. He doesnt want seokjin think je can just take taehyung to present him in his store.

"but i dont want to be alone..."

"alone?? Where are yoongi and jimin then?"

"i think they went outside a while ago"

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