21: letter

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The next morning taehyung was up early. He didnt eat yet but Yoongi went to the store to get them something fresh.

So now the boy sat at the table waiting patiently for Jungkook, jimin or yoongi to come. Jungkook wasnt home he thought since he didnt hear or seen him yet. He only didnt check his bedroom.

Yes he searched for him.

He wanted him to return actually. He supposed that the raven didnt even eat yet.

Suddenly he heard the front door open and close. He sat up hearing the footsteps with that little heel sound. And thars when he entered the room, someone he was secretly waiting for.


His dark look was something that contrasted with taehyung a lot. But it was interesting to the boy. Seeing the dark colors work so wel for the demon. He liked them.


The boy looked at the demons eyes something inside him felt warm.


Jungkook extended his hand to the boy. In his hand was a paper. Taehyung being a bit confused why jungkook was giving him this took the letter. He folded it open, there was text.

"whats this?"

"for you" jungkook said and

The boy looked at the paper and read a name that made him stare at the paper, his hand holding it tighter.


The boy didnt know what this was and why he was getting this from jungkook but his mind told him to not wait and read it.

'my dear Taehyung,

I know i have made bad choices which led to you be taken away, i am very sorry it had to happen. But dont worry about me, i am fine. Mr.Jeon told me that you are doing fine too, i am happy to know that. I cant have anything happen to you, i look forward to see you again before i die... Please dont think about me or be sad, time will tell the future. Just know i am very proud even if im not here like we had wanted.

See you,


Taehyung stared at the paper even when he had already read it. The letter made him feel sad. Sadness was walways a feeling he didnt like, he didnt know why mr.Shin learned him about it if it hurted him like this.
He folded it again neatly and held it in his hand, sighing deeply.

Yes he was glad the old man was alive and doing okay, but he couldnt help but miss him. Mr.Shin was someone he saw as family, family like humans have parents. Taehyung didnt have parents but Mr.Shin felt to him like one. He build him, he stayed with him, he learned him things.

He havent thanked him yet..

Suddenly taehyung felt a hand on his head, the fingers gently went through his hair before resting on his head.
He felt it was Jungkook, and from seeing the black shoes in the ground in front of him.


Later jimin and yoongi returned, jimin telling taehyung to go to jungkook.

He entered the room and saw the demon sit on his chair. His kegs crossed on top of his desk. His eyes looked up from the page when he noticed the boy enter his room and took his legs off the desk.

"jimin said you called?" taehyung asked.

"yes, so...Tell me about what happend in the library" jungkook said closing the book he was reading.

"what ha-oh...That" taehyungs happy eyes dissapeared at the thought of that day.

"what happend with that guy, what did he say?"

"he said he wanted me. That i was crystal. And that you wouldnt keep me forever" taehyung remembered the stange encounter perfectly.

"you're mine so you're staying here forever" jungkook mumbled softly to himself before he asked the next question.
"hmm, do you know him?"

"i dont know him...But he was scary" taehyung said.

"what exactly did he look like?" jungkook asked folding his hands behind his back as he stared at taehyung, waiting for a reply.

"uh, he had a scar and same scale like details on his skin...Like you have"

"i see......." jungkook remembered someone like that at the auction, but it was a pretty broad explanation. All dragons have that kind of detials spread on their body.
But after hearing what taehyung said, he was quite sure it was that man. He seemed pretty.....Annoyed by not winning the auction.

Taehyung looked at the floor he disnt know what to say. He suddenly didnt think he was that safe anymore outside two times something strange happend to him.

"dont be scared" jungkook said. There was a long silence where jungkook looked around, a bit hesitant. "nothing will happen to you. I protect you"

Taehyung slowly looked up at hearing that. His eyes meeting the demon's black ones. The boys crystal eyes turned a black color, it was just for a second. But long enough for jungkook to notice and made his heart tingle.

He knew what it was.

"you will?" taehyung asked.

"i will, go eat with the others" the raven wanted taehyung out so he could think.

"you wont eat with us?"


"when will you eat then?"

"i dont" jungkook sat down on the and grabbed his book again.

"oh....Then i will eat here, i will get you a plate too" taehyung said and walked out before jungkook could protest.

"i do- aish this boy" jungkook sighed and just flipped open the page where he left off. Waiting for the younger to return. On his lips a small smile


Kookoo kookoo kookoo

Tete tete tete

UwU thank you for reading, see you in the next chapter!

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