54: forever (end)

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Jungkook walked through the castle the orb in his hand. Guards looked at him suspiciously but didnt dare to interfere with the man's business. The raven walked on the big stairs that lead to the top of the tower, there needed the prb to be placed, it will eal off this world in their own bubble again untill another good age of years.  

"Sir you cant go there" a guard on the stairs said blocking Jungkook's way.

"are you talking back against the prince?" Jungkook said glaring at the guard. The man gulped but slowly stepped aside going against his orders to save his own life. 

"thats what i thought" jungkook muttered and walked over the roof of the tower to the middle, there was a pilar with a hole, perfectly fitting for the orb. He walked to it and sighed.

"Stop right there, son" a voice interrupted him and he turned around. His father stood there with a frown. His long black hair moved in the wind. 

"Why would i?"

"You cant go back to that world when you sela us off" Mr.Jeon spoke and walked forward, Jungkook looked at him making sure there were no threatening moves.


"You will lose that...boy..of yours. and your stupid friends"

"Is that what you believe?" Jungkook chuckled and stepped back his hand feeling the outline of the hole in the pilar. He saw his fathers eyes go to his hand and stopped walking.

"Jungkook, give the orb to me" 


"dont make the same mistake twice!"

"this time its not a mistake, besides i never even belonged here. And you are not my father. the void created me" Jungkook said and then pressed the orb back in its place. Mr.Jeon's eyes widen and he ran forward but Jungkoko just grinned jumping off the edge f the tower.

"GET HIM, DON'T LET HIM ESCAPE!" the king shouted and the guards around him ran down the stairs. 

Jungkook landed with a heavy cracking thud on the stone ground below the tower and looked up, his father stood on the edge glaring at him, his red eyed burning with anger.

"Fuck you" jungkook whispered and turned around running away. getting the orb in place wasnt a difficult task, but getting out of here without getting caught was something else. he just had to rust on Taehyung...


"not so fast" taehyung said as he ran through the forest after the void trail, he looked at the plants that turned black and made sure his own parkings were still there. It was asking a lot of his stamina to do this but he couldnt give up so early. 

Taehyung stopped when the void also stopped leaning on his knees catching his breath. "this is hard" he complained and walked after the  void again. His feet breaking small twigs under his weight. "oh?" suddenly the void went back and went away fast taehyung's eyes widen and he tried to catch up. 

He couldnt run faster. He saw the void slowly dissapear from his skin and got worried, he cant lost it now. he wont be able to find it. With a last push taehyung ran faster...well untill a river blocked his path. He froze and watched the void go through the stream. 

"no no no" He walked side to side not sure what to do. does he swim? 

"I cant lose...i cant give up!" he said to himself and started running towards the water. he wasnt sure if this will work and closed his eyes when he expected to fall into the water. 

But he didn't. He looked down as he ran and saw that crystals appeared under his feet in the water making him able to cross the river without getting wet. He smiled feeling proud of himself and jumped on the ground of the other side. 

THE BOY OF CRYSTAL [vkook/taekook]Where stories live. Discover now