11: auction

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Taehyung was scared. He could hear voices. They were talking. But his mind was al over the place, his wrists and ankles were chained to the floor.
He couldnt step forward of back, he was stuck there. The guards at each side of the stage watching him.

"we have a very special offer for you, i am sure it will get your interest"

The crowd went silent, listening to the man.

"it is a boy, Made from crystals. He is alive. Never seen before i present you  todays specialty.......The boy of Crystal!
The curtains opened and taehyung shrunk and blinked from the very bright light into his eyes.

When he got used to the brightness he could see it....The crowd..The many eyes that were on him. The hall was filled with people.

"lets start the bidding" the man in front of the stage said moving his walking stick which had a big diamond. "starting at 40 million"

This is it.....Its happening... Taehyung felt tears brim in his eyes but he wasnt able to wipe them away. The images of his possible future went through his head.

"44!" someone said followed by many other bids.

"60!" someone said. The crowd went silent for a moment. They leaned forward some scratching their heads debating if it was worth to go higher. Not everyone had a high budget.

At this moment taehyung felt his heart sink. A tear rolled down. He wanted to sit down curl into a ball and cry. But on the other side he wanted to just break his wrists from the chains and jump of the stage hoping he would shatter.

But someone was looking at him. Clenching his jaw. His eyes looking at the boy intensely. He hated this. He hated it all. 

"going once, going twic-"

"100 million"  a  new voice said. The crowd went silent and turned their heads to the person that spoke up.
They were surprised. Because the one that spoke up was someone that had never bought something. It was someone that gave the supplies that were being sold.

Jeon Jungkook

His eyes gazed onto the stage. A small frown on his face.

The guests began to feel unsure of their actions. They stopped bidding and just sat back. The price was also getting way too high.

But there was one that wasnt accepting this.

"120!" he shouted and stood up.

Jungkooks eyes snapped to the man. His finger started tapping the armrest of the seat he was sitting on. He was silent for a moment.

" going once..Twice...An-"

"130" jungkook's voice was heard once again.

Taehyung looked up into the crowd. Many eyes were on him, but some were turned around looking at the two bidders. Mostly at that raven haired demon that was looking very annoyed at the other bidder.

Jungkook?....Taehyung thought, not getting what the other was doing.

"130!" the other man shouted balding his fists. He didnt intend to big this high. But he wanted this one of a kind treasure, and he will have it.

No matter what.

"200 and you shut your mouth!" jungkook shouted pointing his finger at the other bidder. The man who was susprisingly not someone Jungkook had seen before.....His eyes were a bright purple color. Unlike jungkook's which were black.

"why are you even bidding?!" the man shouted back.

"anyone going to bid more or?" the man on the stage asked looking between the agruing bidders.

"no fuck off" the unknown dragon said waving his hand.
Jungkook looked at him squinting his eyes. He felt something off about him now he was looking at him. He noticed a big scar across his face.

"SOLD to Jeon Jungkook" the man said and pointed his walking cane with the diamond to the demon. Jungkook took a sharp breath and stood up. He walked down the stairs while the other guests left the hall.

"well well, that was unexpected...." the man he talked to earlier walked on the stage.

"move" jungkook said standing in front of the human. Looking down onto him the man wasnt very tall compared to Jungkook.

"i dont know what you are doing, but you just made me gain a lot of profit today" the man chuckled and stepped aside.

Jungkook ignored him and walked to the boy that was standing on the stage his legs and arms with chains. Unable to move from the spot.
He looked at Jungkook with scared and teary eyes.

The demon could see how taehyung was feeling....

He bend down and broke the chains with his bare hands freeing the boy. Jungkook then grabbed his wrists and looked at them. When he didnt notice any damage he pulled the boy after him at his arm.

"j-jungkook what a-are you doing" taehyung asked trying to keep up with hus steps.

"shut your mouth, and dont ask me anything!" jungkook said turning around. The boy shut up like the demon told him.


The update came a bit later than i had planned. Sorry if its a boring one, not as good as others.
But its here.... Hope you liked it. See you at the next!

THE BOY OF CRYSTAL [vkook/taekook]Where stories live. Discover now