6: kind

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It's been a hour and Jungkook still haven't shown himself again. It made Taehyung feel more relaxed but also uncomfortable. He felt like the demon could pop up any moment and trap him.

With him he felt like a bug. Small and threatened.

"Hey, tae" Jimin said when Taehyung was staring outside the window in a daze.

"o-oh?" Taehyung said, a bit startled by the sudden hand on his shoulder.

"dont worry of Jungkook, he is out for..I don't know how long actually, but i think till late"

"okay, where is Yoongi?"

"I'm right here" Yoongi said, suddenly sitting on the couch. His face blank as he stared at Taehyung like 'are you serious'. "i have been here for at least two hours"

"oh im sorry i didn't notice"

"how can you-"

"yoongi maybe if you moved or made noise he would have noticed," jimin said, crossing his arms.

"is my boyfriend taking sides?"

"maybe i am. Maybe I like Taehyung more" jimin said, wrapping an arm around the boy.

"is this..Uhm'' taehyung was confused. He wasn't used to these kind of social interactions yet. He never had friends before so he didn't know what to do at this moment.

"well then i'm not going to marry you, too bad for you" yoongi sait sitting up and shrugging.

Jimin gasped

"what no!?"

"hm well. If you trade me for Tarhyung then I will" yoongi grinned.

"you wouldn't dare"

"watch me"

"noo Yoongi baby. Dont to that. Please" jimin said and hurried to his boyfriend sitting on his lap.


"im sorry. Look" Jimin said and kissed Yoongi's cheek and nose. Then his lips.

"you are forgiven princess" yoongi chuckled and held Jimin's waist.

"so cute. Just like the books i read!" taehyung said. Jimin laughed and got off the werewolf boy's lap.

"yea just like that" jimin held back another laugh walking to the kitchen.

"where are you going?" Taehyung asked following Jimin with his head.

"to prepare dinner. Wanna help?"


The two were now making dinner. Taehyung was stirring the pan which had a nice sauce for the meat.

He had been silent again.

"why...Why are you so kind?" he asked.

Jimin looked up and stopped cutting the green unions.

"you just really look like a good person. Jungkook is just a strange and..Mean. Person in general. Not everyone is like him you know. I'm a kind person, and so is Yoongi."

"but he will sell me anyway, why bother.."

"because i can make your time here good even if it may not last forever. Don't spend your days here being sad or hurt. You should have fun while you can, '' Jimin smiled. It made Taehyung feel happy too.

"thank you Jimin"


"You are sleeping in the bedroom I showed you," Jimin said as the three were eating dinner.

"really?" taehyung responded surprised.

"yea Jungkook told me"

"when, I didn't see him?" taehyung asked and looked around a bit worried.

"We have this thing that we can talk to each other. Like mind link. Don't know if you have heard of it before." Jimin explained. "he isn't here at the moment."

"Jungkook is stupid" Yoongi said and pushed his empty plate away. "

"why?" taehyung asked.

"he doesn't know what he is doing."

"what do you mean?"

"like now. With you, he is confused...Wait no forget i said anything. I shouldn't be talking about this" yoongi said and shook his head. Jimin looked at him like he was seeing a ghost. Clearly giving a look of ' 'the fuck yoongi'

"i don't understand," taehyung said and sighed. "i still need to learn things. I'm sorry if i-"

"hey don't worry, i didn't get yoongi either. You are fine"

"okay" taehyung smiled a bit and finished his plate. Then he went to help Jimin clean the kitchen.


It was deep in the night and Taehyung was sleeping. He was grateful that he could sleep in this room. The bed was soft and kept his body warm. He didn't produce natural body heat as other living creatures did. Since he was just a copy. He adjusted to his surroundings but cold wasn't good for him. It made his moving harder. It felt like cracking his arms to move. It wasn't healthy.

But when He wore warm clothing he will be fine as it will keep him warm for a longer time.

So at night it was very nice to be in a warm surrounding. This bed was perfect. It was soft to his arm and couldn't break more. And the blankets fluffy keeping him warm.

But he didnt sleep till the morning. Because Taehyung woke up soon enough. He felt a presence in the room. Slowly he sat up and rubbed his eyes. He didn't expect to be face to face with the person standing next to the bed...

Jeon Jungkook


Kinda short chapter. Sorry

Hope you liked it, thank you for reading see you at the next update!

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