50: goodbye

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"Is he sleeping?" a voice said.

"I think so yea"

"when is Jungkook returning, we should hurry."

"He is on his way, oh i think he is here" the male turned around to the bedroom door that opened. Jimin smiled when he saw a familiar old man walk in, leaning on his walking stick like he could fall over any moment now, with a deep sigh the man flopped on a seat in the bedroom.

"Mr.Shin welcome back" Jimin said.

"you guys are irresponsible, everytime i get here you broke him." Shin complained, even if he was very old and dying he still had a mouth to speak. "Now wake him up, he must be wanting to see me"


"i will do it" jungkook sadi pushing Jimin out of his way who wanted to wake his friend up. the vampire rolled his eyes and glared at the demon in annoyance.

"Tae..little sunflower, wake up" Jungkook said softly. even if he tried to be soft the others in the room heard it. and it made Shin smile, Taehyung was happy here and he could see that the demon didnt have any bad intentions as the first time they met. But once he saw taehyung for one last time he can die peacefully, he promised to stay alive for the boy to say goodbye, and thats what he did. 

"k-kookie?" the boy mumbled and slowly opened his  tired eyes. he smiled but then he saw the toher stand around him. "whats going on?" he asked a bit worried.

"We will fix you"

"We?" taehyung said up with jungkook's help as he couldnt use his hand. "Mr.Shin?!" 

"hello Tae" the old man said and pushed himself up with his trembling arms. with slow steps he neared the bed. Yoongi was quick to push the chair after the old man so he can sit down again. 

"You came, you didnt came to say goodbye, right? right?"  the boy said scared that that was why everyone was here.

"sadly thats why i am also here, but not yet. i will help Hoseok here repair you." shi9n said Hosoek nodded. He had let Mr.Shin teach him how to build Taehyung and everything about the crystals ands how they need to be attached. It was difficult to do but the dragon got the hang of it eventually. He had the same power that Mr.shin had, all because Shin wasnt fully human to begin with. He was partly dragon but he was mixed with a human so he was classified as a dragon. Shin wasnt strong like others he was weak compared to them. But he didnt care and created someone that will feel as family, a family he didnt have.

"You cant die..." taehyung said his mind only hearing that. 

"Tae, lets not talk about this now. Let Hosoek repair you, we will talk later okay?"

the crystal boy nodded sadly and sat comfortably he extended his leg which Hoseok will repair first. the dangerous crack in his ankle should not be left like this.

"Can you do this?" taehyung asked a bit surprised to see that Hoseok could use the needle Shin used on him. 

"i learned from him" the dragon said with a kind smile. his golden eyes shimmering.

"oohh thats cool" 

Yoongi and Jimin left after that. Jungkook refused to leave and hoseok was working so they all just sat there in silence. Jungkook held taehyung's unharmed hand as he waited patiently. His and Taehyungs eyes were on his hand which hoseok was repairing. using the little pieces of his original and new ones that mr.Shin brought. 


after hours of work Hoseok was finally done. With the guide of Shin he was able to finish the inside of the boy as well, making Shin happy to see his creation finally finished.

"I am glad its done" Shin said smiling as he looked at Taehyung. "you dont have to worry that much of breaking, your body is solid. If i can trust that this dragon did connect everything" he said glancing at Hoseok. the sun dragon gave the old man an assuring nod. 

"I dont feel any difference" taehyung said with a small chuckle. but thank you a lot Hoseok. and mr.shin of course" 

"no problem" Hosoek smiled and stood up. his golden robe with thin wide sleeves falling elegantly over his arms.

"I will leave you two alone to talk" he added. He could sense that Mr.Shin wanted time with the boy to talk. "Jungkook you too" 

"wh-oh..i see" the demon said once he knew what the dragon meant. he sighed and stood up placing a soft peck on taehyung's forehead before walking out of the room.


"Dont" taehyung interrupted the old man.


"dont say it. i dont want to hear it"

"Its nature taehyung. i cant go against it. its time for me" Shin said with a sigh and sat down next to taehyung on the bed.

"No, i refuse to believe it. You cant die. You cant!"

"I am Tae. I only have a few hours. I am going back to our house. Im glad i could see you one last time" Shin smiled and ruffled taehyung white hair.

"Dont do this.."

"dont be too sad about me, I am okay with this. Its fine. im dont with living i had a good life"

"Stop, you are not going to die!" taehyung said trying very hard to not hear and believe the man's words. but he knew that it was true. "please, dont go"

"Taehyung, come here." He pulled the boy in a hug and as soon he did that the boy started crying. his tears wetting the old man's shirt.

"Dont go...please dont go" Taehyung said holding tightly onto the old man that was so dear to his heart. 

"Shh, its okay."

"Mr.Shin...I will miss you" 

"i will miss you too, but i wont leave you alone. i will always be with you." Shin caressed the boy to comfort him.

"I have to go Taehyung." he said after a while. his time was running out and he wanted to walk back home enjoying the evening air once more before he said goodbye to this cruel world.


"i have to" Shin got up and looked at taehyung who had puffy eyes. "here, this is for you" Shin felt inside his pockets and took out a small messily folded paper. "Its my ring"

"thank you"  Taehyung said and wiped his eyes as he took the paper. he smiled seeing the golden ring, it was shaped as a long dragon that went around your finger, in its jaw a green gem. "i will treasure it forever"

"Now i will take my leave" Shin said and grabbed his stick opening the door. Taehyung walked the man to the front door. the man stepped outside and sighed. "Goodbye Taehyung" 

"g-goodbye Mr.shin" 

taehyung watched the old man walk away. when he was almost near the forest he stepped out and spoke up. "Shin!"

the man halted and turned around. 

"We will meet again!" the boy said, he didnt want to say goodbye. he didnt want this to be the last. 

He watched the old man and could see a smile on his face. then the human disappeared out of his sight. It came to him so hard that this was the the last time he saw the man alive. He started crying in the doorway.

"Sunflower..." A pair of arms wrapped around him and the boy turned around hiding his face in Jungkook's chest crying his heart out. 


hoseok in gold is just *chef's kiss* I love it.

I actually almost cried when writing this chapter. TT

thank you for reading, see you in the next update!


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