14: ring

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Taehyung and Jungkook arrived back in the big house. Taehyung following the demon silently.

"where did you two go?" Jimin asked looking up from the magazine he and Yoongi were reading together.

"nothing of your concern" Jungkook hissed back at Jimin. Taehyung noticed his fangs were bigger and now poking his bottom lip.

They were interesting

Taehyung stayed in the kitchen when Jungkook walked away. The raven dissapeared into his work room.

"cant believe this shit" Jungkook mumbled annoyed. He harshly put the ring onto his dest and opened a drawer getting a few tools.

He took off his long complimentary black coat and dropped it over a chair in the corner. Straightening his shirt before he sat down at his desk.
He looked at the ring seeing the crystal piece he needed and grabbed the first tool with a sigh.


"its huge" Taehyung said when he was walking with Yoongi through the garden. He wanted to see it so Yoongi offered to show him around.

"it is"

"are those real roses?" taehyung was surprised. He never saw roses this color. He kneeled down and touched the beautiful rose. It was very interesting to him. He wanted to have it.

"they are" Yoongi said

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"they are" Yoongi said.

"very pretty" taehyung smelled it. It had a stronger scent than he expected.

"jungkook likes them. But they used to be white"

"then why are they black now?" taehyung asked confused. He didnt see a single red rose here.

"Jungkook affects things around him. So his presence makes the roses turn black."

"oh, thats cool"

"he only affect nature things. Not objects like a house" Yoongi explained. Taehyung should know this. Because he may come across other things here in the garden that dont look so natural.
Jungkook was aware that he makes things turn black or dissapear with his presence. But he didnt care. He liked that. Seeing things change into his favorite color.

"what else is different now?" Taehyung asked and looked around finding something.

"well, as you can see all flowers are colored black. And there, at the end is a tree, you see it?" yoongi pointed to a pretty shaped tree but the leaves...No flowers were black.

"i see it" taehyung followed Yoongi closer to the tree.

"it was once a pink blossom. But also this changed."

"why dont the leaves fall?" taehyung asked. He remembered about this that they shouldnt blossom this month anymore.

"jungkooks power keeps the affecte nature in perfect condition. Like they are frozen. When he dissapears, or dies they will be released and continue with their cycle."

"this is all new. But very interesting" Taehyung said and looked around. But he didnt see anything new.

"it is"

"Yoonyoon!" it was Jimin. The vampire appeared and hugged his boyfriend. "ah hello Tae!"

"hey jimin" taehyung smiled, happy to see his friend.

"already done with your bath?" Yoongi asked his boyfriend.

"mhm, it was nice but i wanted to be back here with you sooner" the vampire pecked the wolf's cheek.

"ahw" taehyung softly said to himself. He loved seeing this. He couldn't wait to find someone for himself. But he wasnt sure if he could, maybe once Jungkook let him outside alone.

"what do you want to eat?" Jimin asked. "im going to order something"

"what kinds are there?" taehyung only remembered Mr.Shin cook dinner and leave it at his door or on his desk. They never got take out.

"i think you will love pizza"

"i will try it!"

"good, i will give you something nice."
Jimin then walked away back into the mansion. Yoongi turned to Taehyung and nudged his head for the boy to follow.

"i have a question" The wolf said. Taehyung gave a nod while following the other. "do you bleed? Like when you cut yourself?"

"no, i dont" taehyung answered. "i dont produce blood. Thats also why i dont have natural body heat. I adjust to my surroundings l"

"wow, i have to say. That Mr.Shin of yours is a smart man" yoongi chuckled. Thinking how the old man was even posible to create a living being. Out of Crystal, thats crazy.

"he is! I really appreciate him."

"i can hear it in your voice. You miss him a lot?"

"i do, i want to go back to how it was.."

"i sadly cant give you that." yoongi sighed. "also, i apologize for looking rather cold. But im a person that is more busy with themselves. Dont take it personally, im actually very kind"

"i saw that! You are kind now. And with Jimin"

"but Jimin is my baby bub love, so i gotta be extra sweet to him" Yoongi smiled whole saying it, he really loved Jimin and didnt care to hide it at all. Not that his body would be able to.

"thats cute" taehyung chuckled. Once inside he went upstairs and opened the door to go back into his bedroom. But he was startled, not expecting Jungkook to stand behind the door.



You may notice im slower than usual with updating. Thats because of health reasons, im taking it a bit slower.(i dont have corona dw)

Thank you for reading see you at the next update!

THE BOY OF CRYSTAL [vkook/taekook]Where stories live. Discover now