36: date

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The two arrived home safely. Taehyung had falled asleep on the Demon's back. Jungkook made sure the boy wont fall hiding onto his tighs tightly as he entered his mansion.

"were home little Sunflower"  jungkook said softly, even tho the boy was sleeping. He headed to the stairs but already felt a presence behind him.

"what do you want?" he asked annoyed as he turned to Jimin. He really didnt want to see him right now he was still annoyed.

"is he okay? I was worried when he suddenly left"

"he is fine, now, goodnight" the demon turned around leaving the vampire standing in the hallway. Jimin just rolled his eyes and went back to the livingroom.

Carefully jungkook lowered taehyung onto the matress and went back to close the door. When he walked around to chance his clothes Taehyung had woken up. The boy rubbed his eyes and sat up slightly to look at the raven.

"oh...Did i wake you?" jungkook said when he turned around and saw the boy look at him.

"no..." taehyung said and just stared at him.

"is something bothering you?"

"uhm.....I...Why did you leave so suddenly?" the white haired boy asked after hesitating if he should.

"im sorry if i upset you" jungkook said and sighed walking towards the bed. "i was just very annoyed by Jimin interrupting us. I wanted to make it special, but he just had to show up making my plan fail"

"i see...."

"dont think of it, i meant what i said and that stays" jungkook placed his hand on Taehyung's

"im happy"

"you are?" the demon was a bit surprised.


"i am glad you are" the raven smiled a bit. "shall we go get to bed?"

Taehyung nodded and thats what they did. Brushing their teeth and chance their clothes before jumping under the soft warm covers of the bed.

Jungkook laid closer to taehyung placing a hand on the boy's hip.
Taehyung got shy when jungkook pulled him against his strong body. He clutched the bedsheets with his hand while he held back a smile.

"I will warm you" jungkook said already feeling taehyung adjust to his body head. He thought it was facinating how the boy's body warmth/cold would change everytime.  "goodnight Tae"

"night Jungkook"


The next morning Taehyung woke up way to comfortable. His mind was awake but his eyes still closed. He felt a hand stroke his hand and a other hold him......Wait.....A hand? He opened his eyes and looked up. Straight into the pair of black orbs of the demon.

"goodmorning" jungkook said giving a smile.

"a-ah morning" taehyung looked back down unable to keep the eye contact. He got shy easy, just like now. But didtnt make any movement to stop the demon from baby-ing him. He liked it.

"are you hungry? Shall we eat in the city today?"

"in the city? Are you sure?"

"you are safe when you are with me. Dont worry" jungkook said and stopped caressing the boy's hair. "i want to take you in a date",

"a date.....I-i would like that" taehyung said and smiled.

"then thats settled, lets dress up and head out, hm"


"where are you guys going?" Yoongi asked when he saw the two walked through the front door.

"we have a date!" taehyung said excited.

"thats cute, have fun" yoongi smiled and watched them leave. He liked to see how Jungkook was changing from a cold arrogant demon to a caring man. It were little steps but he will get there on his own time.

Outsude Jungkook kneeled down in front of taehyung. "hop on" he said and the boy dud, wrapping his arms around the raven's neck.
The demon brought them to the city in no time and put the boy back on his own feet.

Taehyung looked around cautious and a but scared. What happend last night was still fresh in his mind, what if more people will come for him?

"dont think of it, i wont let anyone hurt you" jungkook said. He had already seen everyone around them and no one seemed a threat.

They entered a very small restaurant squeezed between two others. If you didnt know it was there you would probably miss it. 

"wow!" taehyung said when he saw how small the place was. There were only four tables against the wall, everything was suqeezed into this room.

"dont be fooled by the look, they have the best ramen of the city here" jungkook said and went to the counter.


"take the table behind you" the mam said pointing with his hand.

"you eat ramen?"

"of course i do, i do like some human food"


"so what would you like?"

After a good ten minutes of explaining all the ingredients and tastes to taehyung the two finally made their order..

"i am very curious, i hope its good"

"trust me, it will"
Jungkook leaned back in his chair with a sigh and looked around. Not that there was much to see.

Meanwhile taehyungs eyes were glued to the demon in front of him. His irises had turned to black again. Jungkook noticed the staring and faced taehyung again, their eyes locked together.

They had a long eye contact. Jungkook unconsciously licked his lips, taehyung clutched the edge of his shirt uder the table. It was like the world stopped. They didnt hear anything else, they only saw eachother. Maybe their connection went deeper than they thought....

"here is your Ramen" the waited snapped the two out of their moment and put down the bowls on the table.

"t-thank you" taehyung stuttered and lookd at his bowl. Jungkook glanced at Taehyung and chuckled.


I feel some tension between them 👁️👃🏻👁️

I dont know why, but when i wrote this chapter 'mmmh' from Kai got stuck in my head.

Thank you for reading see you in the next chapter!

THE BOY OF CRYSTAL [vkook/taekook]Where stories live. Discover now