24: book

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"do you know the man?" Taehyung asked. The two had arrived back home, the demon placed the book he retrieved from Seokjin on his desk looking at it.

"not really, but i have seen him before" jungkoon replied and sat down in his chair. "he was at the auction where i was going to sell you, he was a bidder"

Taehyung remembered that, he didnt like that time. He hoped it wont happen again.

"but dont worry, he wont even touch you. I will not let him" jungkook added and patted his leg looking at the crystal boy.
Taehyung looked at the demon not really getting what he meant.

Jungkook lifted a brow but then leaned forward and grabbed taehyungs hand. He held it lightly and gently pulled the boy closer to him making him sit on his lap. He wasnt being rough with the boy anymore, he ha accepted that taehyung was fragile and handled him with more care now.

"why are you acting kind now?" taehyung asked softly.

"i have my reasons"

"what are they?"

Jungkook didnt reply but just sighed. He wrapped one arm around taehyungs waist and looked at the book.

"im really thinking of just selling this. I think i might" jungkook chuckled looking at the nicely decorared cover.

"dont, its Hoseok's"

"so what" jungkook shrugged

"its mean to sell something that isnt yours. You shouldnt only sell things that are yours.."

"youre mine too" Jungkook said. "but im not selling you"

Taehyung felt this tingle go through his body when he locked eyes with the raven. His eyes were enchanting, those deep black orbs that would somehow always watch him.

Jungkook opened his lips to say something when the door opened.

"Taehyung, Hoseok asked me to send you" Jimin said as he walked in while drying his wet hair.

"ah okay" taehyung wanted to stand up but the demon tightened his grip around the boy's waist.

"he cant right now"

"why not?" jimin lifted a brow flinging the towel over his shoulder.

"because he is with me now" jungkook gave the Vampire a smug grin.

"okay lovebirds byeee" jimin said and quickly made sure to leave the room. Just when he closed the door he heard something hit the door. He laughed and ran upstairs.

Taehyung looked at the knife that was in the wooden door. Then at Jungkook. "whats lovebirds?"

"you will know later" Jungkook replied and stood up. But he didnt let go of taehyung, keeping his arms where it was.


"yes later"

"why later?"

"because not is not the time" jungkook replied and grabbed the book say having to to let go of the boys slim waist. He then walked to the door, taehyung watching the other with a puzzled expression. He had to think about that.

"come on then" jungkook nudged his head for the boy to follow him.


The two walked into the huge library jungkook now with three books. Two extra that were Taehyung's who had finished reading them and wanted to return them.

"how do you remember the route?" taehyung asked the demon. He still couldnt find the way to the middle without getting lost.

"see this golden line? Just follow it" jungkook pointed to a thin line on the ground.

"oh, i didnt notice that!"

"it only shows when Hoseok knows someone is inside. Which it practically always" jungkook replied. Taehyung had come to notice hoe Jungkook would answer his questions properly. And talk to him rather that just hum or ingore him. It was nice.

"Welcome back" Hoseoks voice was heard as they turned the corner. Seeing the male stand there with his golden hair and golden eyes.

"here, taehyung wanted to return these" jungkook said handing hoseok the books. The dragon nodded and let them float back to their spot in the library.

"so now my book" Hoseok lifted a brow ay the demonic dragon.

"whats your offer?" jungkook asked.

"are you fucking serious..." Hoseok said and rolled his eyes.

"oh lost your gracefullness. Dont curse glitter snake" jungkook said and grinned.

Hoseok looked like he was so done. And suddenly the book in Jungkooks hands dissapeared now being in Hoseoks hands who began looking through it making sure no pages were missing.
"im not giving you any money"

"hm too bad"

"anyways shouldn't you be shifting again. Your dragon needs to spread uts wings"

"no" jungkook said. He didnt want to transform. Not that he disliked his dragon form. Just because he didnt want to scare a younger boy off....To make him fear him. A dragon wasnt somthing casual.

"dont wait too long, you will get ugly" hoseok said and put the book on the table nearby. He was giving jungkook a warning. Because if they dont shift every now and then they can get sick.

"i know" jungkook sighed.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook, he saw that the demon's expression changed. something was bothering jungkook.


I really wanted to update earlier, but i was talking to someone and it was so fun i didnt want to stop.😔💔✨

But anyway im here now, i hope you like it and see you in the next chapter!🐤

THE BOY OF CRYSTAL [vkook/taekook]Where stories live. Discover now