44: eyes

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"Whats this?" Taehyung asked confused holding up a soft squishy green ball. they went to eat out for a late dinner. or more like, a date. They just finished their main dishes and were not on the dessert.

"its a mochi"

"mochi what?" taehyung frowned and smelled it. he thought these things were strange.

"its a sweet. eat it"

"i can eat this?"

"yea of course"

taehyung looked hesitant but bit into the mochi and chewed it. to his surprise it was soft. he frowned when it tasted actually good.


"you like it?"

"yea..i do actually"

"you're cute."

"a-ah well thank you" the boy blushed and stuffed his mouth with the rest of the mochi. Jungkook chuckled at him.

"you're more than welcome" Jungkook grinned and leaned back in his chair staring at the boy.

"dont you want a dessert?"


"okay. then i will eat all of it" taehyung said and pulled the bowl with fruit and mochi towards himself. Jungkook's eyes widen a bit and he reached for one. But taehyung slapped his hand away. "no, you didnt want any so youre not getting any"


"you said it" taehyung gave a innocent smile which jungkook raised his brows at. 

"you got some confidence"

"you give me all the confidence i need" taehyung chuckled.

"i cant tell if you're want to be bratty or if you are flirting, either way its quite amusing" the demon said his black orbs watching the boy eat the dessert.

"b-both" taehyung said and tried to eat all of the food quickly so jungkook wouldnt get any bit of it. just to annoy him.

"are you really eating all of that?" jungkook asked nudging his head to the bowl.


"you will be so full"

"then let me be full."

"you want to be full?"

taehyung nodded and jungkook smirked.

"well i can fill you up if you want. you will be nice and full-"

"jungkook!" taehyung whisper yelled at the other and kicked his leg. Jungkook laughed and bend over rubbing his leg.

"ow, why kick me"

"dont say things like that in public, its embarrassing"

"you are just a baby, boobooo" jungkook said knowing very well it was annoying taehyung so he put a big more on top and squished taehyung's cheeks.

"aish. stop it" the crystal whined and pushed jungkooks hands off his face. the demon chuckled and sat back with a smile. 


After their dinner which they was like children annoying each other and ended up with taehyung throwing a piece of apple at the demon, and thats when they decided to leave before they were gonna be thrown out by the restaurant workers who were watching them.

Now Taehyung and Jungkook walked hand in hand the younger white haired held a flower that he picked from the little grass a few steps back.

"here" he said and put it in Jungkook's hair. the demon scrunched his nose.

THE BOY OF CRYSTAL [vkook/taekook]Where stories live. Discover now