48: panic

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"I AM LOSING MY SHITS!" Jungkook shouted.

"Jungkook, calm down. Shouting wont help us" Yoongi said rubbing his head. The demon was way to stressed and it was getting annoying and hard to think for the group.


"Jeon, calm the fuck down" Hoseok said angry. Everyone immediately shut up looking at him. The sun dragon never cursed or raised his voice. He preferred not to so now it came as a surprise. And they knew they had to not anger the dragon more.

"i am calm"

"good, now lets finish this plan"

"so as Jungkook said this..Gwansu guy took Taehyung, like almost 99% sure" Jimin said getting straight back into the conversation.

"YES H-"

"JEON FOR THE LAST TIME. Calm down" hoseok's voice got normal at the last words as he looked at the other dragon intensely. Jungkook shut his lips and sat down with a frown.

"okay so we have to find out where he is and what he is planning to do"

Jungkook sat there hearing them talk, but the dragon was thinking of something else. Suddenly he thought of something, he gasped and jumped up.

"NO!" he shouted and walked around.
"we have to go, I HAVE to go. I cant stay i cant..He-they..." Jungkook was panicking now.

"what is it this time?" Hoseok asked getting annoyed by the dragon that couldnt stop interrupting them with his behavior.

"they are going to hurt him, they want his crystals!" jungkook said. Yoongi immediately looked up. He remembered the demon telling him about that. "they want to sell it. Please i have to go"

"its true, he told me about it. He had a vision when he was at auction"

"oh fuck" Jimin mumbled. "i totally forgot, Hoseok its time to go" The vampire got immediately on Jungkook's side now. He put on his jacket. Its been hours already and these hours were already too many.

"Fine, my light will guide you."

"you wont come with us?"

"i have a study to do" the sun dragon said. And summoned a light source that he moved towards the three.
Jimin looked disapproving at that answer but Hoseok didnt mind it. He knew that what he was learning was important and they all will be grateful later.

"okay lets go, we will just find it blindly. It cant be that hard to find." Yoongi said and ran to Jungkook who shifted to his dragon on the balcony. He climbed on his back holding on tightly as the black dragon took off.
Jimin teleported away vanishing from the balcony in less than a second.


"Are you kidding me?" the Man said as he stood up form his seat with an angry expression.

"N-no im serious. He is one of the void, i saw it!" the guard said.

"if he fucking gets here you all will die, you stupid"

"Gwansu im sorry"

"you should have told me sooner, now you attracted the fucking demon here" Gwansu said and left the room closing the door with a bang. The guard was fearing for his life. they messed up the plan. Jungkook clearly saw them and will come for the boy. Gwansu thought that Jungkook was just a dragon as he was, but the void. he didnt know that.

"Are you ready?" Gwansu asked someone who stood at the table. his eyes glanced at Taehyung who had fallen asleep in the corner of the room


"good, bring him here. lets get this over with." Gwansu waved his hand and the two guards that stood at the door approached the sleeping boy. one unlocked the chain hearing it clatter on the ground as he dropped it. Taehyung jolted awake and looked around with scared eyes.

"What are you doing?" he asked panicked when the two guards grabbed him. they started pulling him towards the table. "no no, what did i do wrong?" his eyes fell on the tall man that held a hammer.

"now sit still for me" Gwansu said and watched the two guards hold taehyung's down on the table. the leader grabbed the white haired boy's arm and pinned it extended on the table. "Do it, lets see what it looks like" Gwansu said and gave the man next to him a nod.

The man lifted his hammer ignoring the soft pleads of the boy and brought the hammer down, a loud crack was heard and then a shattering on the table. The boys hand broke half what was left was cracked showing its shimmery colors.

"beautiful, this is good, very good" Gwansu grinned and grabbed a few of the pieces off the table. the guards let go of the boy and let him slid down on his knees clutching his hand against his chest with teary eyes.

"I will contact my client, you better keep a watch for that dragon, he is looking for him. But me enough time" Gwansu said and left the room with his men leaving the boy alone.

"no no no" taehyung looked at the tiny crystal crumbs on the floor like dust his finger touching it. "why.." he whispered and looked at his broken hand, two fingers were left but he couldnt move them, the crack went right through. "m-mr.Shin...Jungkookie.."


Thank you for reading see you in the next chapter!


THE BOY OF CRYSTAL [vkook/taekook]Where stories live. Discover now