7: piece

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Staring at the creature in front of him. His hands were fists next to his body, clenching them.
Taehyungs eyes stared at his. They were....


"you....What are you" jungkook asked a the boy. Taehyung was startled by his cold words and shifted backwards. Taking the blanket with him.

"w-what do you mean?" his voice sounded melodic. Almost intoxicating for the demon.

"what are you?"

"c-crystal?" taehyung said a bit questioning, he didnt understand what the demon was asking.

"i didnt mean that...." jungkook stepped closer and grabbed Taehyungs hand that was gripping the blanket pulling him closer. The boy panicked at the rough way Jungkook handeled him again.

"p-please gentle, i-i will break"  taehyung said seeing Jungkooks fingers touch the bandaid.
But the raven didnt respond. He grew a long nail and cut the bandaid open. Exposing the deep crack in Taehyung's arm.

He looked at it, his finger tracing the edge of the crack. His touch was surprisingly gentle.

"what are you-"

"why...." jungkook mumbled and looked up. And again he saw this yellow glow in taehyungs eyes.


The demon then tied the bandaid back around it and left the room without responding. Leaving a confused Taehyung on the bed holding his arm which wasnt hurt more than it already was.


*knock knock*

The door sowly opened and Jimin peeked inside. He didnt see Taehyung on the bed which made him frown and walk in.

"Taehyung?" he called.

"Jimin?" he heard that beautiful voice comming from the bathroom. He walked to it and looked inside. Seeing Taehyung trying to fix the misplaced Bandaid around his arm.

"what are you doing, keep it on" jimin said rushing inside to take over what the boy was doing.

"but he put too tight, makes my arm hurt"

"he? Who is, he?"


"jungkook? What did he do?" jimin looked alarmed.

"he....Nothing, actually"

"nothing? He didnt hurt you or anything close to that?" jimin asked. Taehyung shook his head. "thats strange."

"not really" Yoongi stood in the doorway. Looking at the two on the bathroom floor. The vampire putting the bandaid back around taehyungs arm.

"what do you mean?" jimin asked. Taehyung also looked up. His clear colored, crystal eyes confused.

"Jimin, can i talk to you for a moment?"

"sure" jimin stood up. "tae, you can go to my room and change into something you like. You can use everything in the closet, we have almost same size"

"okay, thank you" Taehyung then watched the two leave the bathroom, and hearing the door of his room shut too. He stood up going to get ready and do what Jimin said.


"okay, so we have spoken to someone. And he is willing to see what he can to for you." Jimin told Taehyung as they sat in the livingroom after breakfast. Taehyung now wearing one of Jimins outside.


"A friend! He owns a library and is very wise, he like got all the books in the world in his head. Its amazing" jimin said happy.

THE BOY OF CRYSTAL [vkook/taekook]Where stories live. Discover now