35: trouble

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"where is Jungkook?" taehyung asked when he got downstairs.

"he left" yoongi said

"why did he leave?" taehyung asked. He remembered Jungkook sounded angry before he left the bedroom, and now he left? Was it because of me? He thought.

"i dont know" the wolf shrugged.

"i see.."


Taegyung had waited a long time for jungkook to return but the demon didnt show up. Taehyung felt worried.

He wakked downstairs into the livingroom and saw yoongi just went to lay down on the couch.

"have you seen jungkook maybe?" he asked.


"do you know where he is?"  taehyung asked.

"seeing the time probably in the city terrorizing humans. But you never know with him" yoongi answered not opening his eyes.

"okay.." taehyung signed he felt worried. What if he did something wrong to upset the demon? What if he wasnt coming back? The boy hesitated, but then stood up walking to the hallway and put on his shoes.

He will just look for him quickly and then go back.


Taehyung arrived at the city after walking for a while. Without Jungkook the road was long and boring. The demon would get them there in no time. The boy walked over the sidewalk looking around if he saw anyone. It was late and not much people were outside, just a few here and there.

"Jungkook?" he called as he halted.

No response.

He sighed and turned left more into the buildings. It was strange being here this late, he only reconised the buildings at day, it looked very different now.
Taehyung stopped again and looked up at the starry sky.

Suddenly he heard something, the boy turned around quickly looking behind him. There was nothing, just a empty street.

"h-hello?" he said just to make sure. And as he hoped no response. He calmed himself and thought. Maybe this wasnt such a good idea, he should just wait at the house and talk to Jungkook when he returns.

"im so stupid" he mumbled and hit his head, not too hard that it would actually hurt. Just to scold himself for getting this idea in his head. Maybe Jungkook was already home.
So taehyung started walking back to go home.

"alone hm?" a voice said and taehyung foze when before and behind him someone came from behind the corner.

"no i-im not" taehyung lied so they would go away. But the man in front of him just chuckled and walked closer.

"well, i dont see anyone here do we?"

Taehyung backed away distancing himself from the man. But then his back hit something and two arns grabbed him tightly.

"n-no let go" he shook to get free but the grip only tightened making him stop moving. Afraid to break something of himself.

"boss got high interest in you. But we have other plans first" the man behind him said next to his ear.
"i suggest you listen to us or i wil break your arm" the man twisted taehyungs arm back making taehyung whimper and close his eyes.

The man kicked taehyungs knees making him kneel and then press im into the ground.
"a crystal looks good, i wonder what it feels like" the man chuckled as he pulled on taehyungs bangs to expose his full face.

"j-jungkook!" taehyung shouted in panick when he felt the man grab his neck pinning him down.

"shut it, dont draw attention" the other man hissed.

"jungkook!!" taehyung closed his eyes scared but refused to cry. He bit his lip holding the tears back.

Suddenly a heavy thud was heard and the footsteps.

"i suggest you let go of the boy right now" a deep voice said. Taehyungs eyes opened. He felt relieved because right there was Jungkook. His dark orbs turned red when he looked at the men.
"dont make me repeat myself..." jungkook added when the men didnt seem to listen.

He grinned when one of the two released taehyung in fear for him. But the other didnt move he put his foot on taehyung pressing him back down and scoffed at the demon. Jungkooks eyes darken and he glared at the remaining man.

"i dont listen to others"

"what a brave pest you are"  jungkook said and took off his gloved before he looked back at the man with a grin.
"now die" he jumped forward in a flash that taehyung didnt even see jungkook. Before the man knew it he was slammed against the brick wall lifted up at his throat.

"what a waste of your mortal soul..... to challenge a Demon" jungkook said slightly amused by the man's confidencd. He chuckled when the man's face changed into fear and he gasped for air while clawing at jungkook's hand. The demon's skin got scratched but it didnt do jungkook anything.
"pathetic" the demin said and then cracked the mans neck by hitting him into the wall once more. He then dropped the dead body and watched it fall limply on the ground.

He then looked at his hand which was now healed again and turned around walking to taehyung who sat on the ground trembling.

"Taehyung, little sunflower. Im here" jungkook said and sat down not caring his clothes will get dirty by this uncleaned street ground. He pulled the fragile boy into his arms hugging him.

"t-thank y-you" taehyung said and started crying. He tried to hold it back but couldnt.

"its okay, you can cry" jungkook said and just held the boy to comfort hin and make him feel safe. He regretted leaving the house now, he was being salty and left but he didnt expect this to happen.

"i-im sorry" taehyung said

"for what?"

"g-going o-outside and t-troubling you. I-i didnt mean to c-"

"hey hey, its okay, its not your fault. Dont worry about it" jungkook said and stroked taehyungs hair. The boy sniffled and wanted to wipe his tears and nose on his shirt but accidentally mistaken and used jungkook's shirt.

The demon noticed and just chuckled not mentioning it.

They sat there untill taehyung had calmed down.

"are you okay now?" jungkook asked.

"i think so...Yea" the boy said.

"let go gome then, sunflower" the demon stood up letting taehyung climb on his back so he can carry hin.


"i will call you my sunflower. You remind me of one"

"i see" taehyung said and got shy. He hugged Jungkooks tighter and hid himself againt the raven's neck.


Taehyung is kookie's sunflower 🌻

Thank you for reading, see you in the next chapter!

THE BOY OF CRYSTAL [vkook/taekook]Where stories live. Discover now