49: crystals

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"which fucking house is it!?" Jungkook shouted as he ran with Jimin through the grass. There were a few houses but they were spread on the field. It was now the question which one it was. Hoseok's light followed ahead it went through walls to see if it was the one or not.

"Jimin can you check this one i wil take the last" Jungkook said and ran off. The light didnt appear again but he didnt want to risk going in and losing more time. So he was going to see the last for himself.

With fast steps he arrived at the house. He walked around peeking through the windows. There was no one inside it seems. It was dimly lit, so someone was there. But not in view.

He cracked open the window trying not to make too much sound when the glass shattered. He jumped inside. If someone innocent lived here he would probably just say sorry and run off. The window looked expensive.

He sneaked through the house his hands black as he let the void take over.

"Hey you!" a man shouted and grabbed a knife. Jungkook stood staight up and grinned.

He found the right place.

"lets dance, puppet" He said with a chuckle. Creeping out the guard.


"well then, get him here" the man said. Waving his hand. From the other side of the room a man pulled a boy after him. He looked ethereal but his face showed pure fear.

"no no please!" the boy said struggling back. But it was hard. Half of his hand was broken off showing the shimmery crystal inside.
The men didnt listen to his pleasds and pressed him onto the table.
Pinning his arm stretched forward.

"i beg you d-dont!"

The other man,who had a noticeable scar on his face, walked to the wall and grabbed a hammer. Walking back to the boy. He chuckled and held the boys wrist to keep his hand...Or what was left of it, in place.
He raised the hammer-


The door swung open with force and a tall raven haired figure got inside. The man with the hammer froze looking at the door.

It was Jungkook...And he wasnt happy.

Gwansu gritted his teeth as he glared at the male that was partly taken over by the void. His hands and side of his bace corrupted with black.

"you" he spoke pointing a pointy nail at the other dragon inside the room. "will die"

"i told you to fucking watch out for him! useless prick!" Gwansi said to his men and his arms turned clawlike, but his were dragon form, Jungkooks were a unknown power that Gwansu will soon feel if the luck was on the good side today.

"Then fight me Demon" Gwansu said challenging the raven that stood inside the room. Taehyung pressed himself into the corner looking in fear at the scene in front of him.

Jungkook jumped at the dragon and they got in a fight. Taehyung held his broken hand tightly against him as he looked at a man on his right approach him.

"lets get you out of here" the man hissed.

"No!" taehyung said and kicked the man off him. The man groaned in pain and stepped back angrily. Withing a second Jungkook stood behind the man and he grabbed his neck.

Taehyung watched in horor when he saw the man's neck spit open and his head come off. He covered his eyes and scrunched his face in disgust. He didnt need to see that.

"Taehyung run, Yoongi and Jimin are nearby." Jungkook said quickly and pulled taehyung on his feet.

"watch out!" taehyung said and jungkook jumped aside when a man swung his knife. Taehyung decided it was best to listen and took off towards the door.

"get the boy!" Gwansu shouted covering his right eye his hand was turning red, drops of blood rolling down his wrist. "dont let him escape!"

Men started running after Taehyung. But the boy was fast. He was light and was quickly in a hallway. He didnt know the layout of the house so he just went left. He heard screams behind him and a loud bang. But he didnt look back.

"Tae, where are you?!" it was Jimin. He reconised the voice.

"Jimin!" he shouted back but suddenly got tackled to the ground. He yelped and felt something break. But now was not the time to think of it.

"got you"

"Get off!" taehyung said and wiggled around. The man woudlnt budge. Taehyung tried again and his eyes changed back to black. "Dont touch me!" he shouted and a cracking sound was heard followed by a gurgling sound.

"Oh my god" a gasp was heard and taehyung pushed himself up from the ground. His eyes widen in horror when he saw what he did. And so did the guard that walked inside, everyone looked at the roof.

A big Crystal had bursted through the groind and pushed the man against the ceiling crushing him completely. The blood rolled down over the cristal and dripped down to the floor.

"i-i.." taehyung said and looked at the man that walked to him. The man looked more cautious this time. "dont come closer!" he said and yeloed when another crystal came from the ground piercing the man and nailing him againt the wall.
"NO!" he shouted and looked at himself in fear. He didnt want to kill them.

"Tae calm down" Jimin said slowly approaching the boy.

"no Jimin, i d-dont want to hurt you!"

Taehyungs head snapped to the hallway as he saw how Gwansu got thrown against the wall. Groaning when he hit the floor.

"feel the pain" Jungkook said half of his face black and his eyes were completely black as well. Like two ghost like orbs.

"you dont belong here!" gwansu said and coughed. "this isnt your world!"

"dont tell me what i can and cant do" Jungkook said and kneeled down grabbing the man's neck. His hand cracked his neck and the body fell limp.
The demon looked up and remaining men started to run away. He let them leave and looked at Taehyung. He took a deep breath and calmed himself down. The void dissapearing from his body.

He looked at the mess in the room, the dead body's killed by crystal. The demon knew what happend and he looked at taehyung a bit worried.

"Taehyung" he said approaching the boy but taehyung shook his head.

"no, i will hurt you"

"tae, its okay. Just relax" jungkook said as he kept walking closer. He kneeled next to the boy and gently touched his cheek. Taehyungs face had a long crack in his cheek that went almost to his eye.

"its hurts Kookie" he said and uncovered his broken hand. Jungkook gasped and looked at it.

"no...Baby..." he placed a soft kiss on the broken hand and stood up. "Jimin, can you find wherever Gwansu put the shards, i will get Taehyung to Hoseok"

"i will, Yoongi will clean our traces" Jimin said and looked at the demon who lifted taehyung up in his arms a bit sadly.

"shh, you can relax now. You are safe." Jungkook said and walked towards the exit.


Taekook baby's are back together.

Thank you for reading, see you in the next chapter!

THE BOY OF CRYSTAL [vkook/taekook]Where stories live. Discover now