40: crystalized

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Taehyung and Jungkook had decided to leave the house again after yoongi had interrupted their moment. The weather was turning into summer and Jungkook wanted to show taehyung something,

A real sunflower.

He knew where they were sold. And thats where they were going right now. Hand in hand they walked through the city, taehyung looking around, this was a now side of the city he didnt see before.

"whats that?" he asked pointing to a tall statue of a lady.

"that was the protector of this world" jungkook answered.

"really, where is she now?"

"no one knows, she dissapeared after fighting the war with my kind...Demons."

"oh i see....Is she dead?"

"probably" jungkook shrugged. "she was one of the elves and born as a angel, i dont think she can be killed that easily, but i dont know what happend exactly. I wasnt there" the demon explained. He remembered people tell the story. When she dissapeared they build a statue of her.

"she looks kind"

"she probably was" jungkook said he didnt actually like her but he just played along for taehyung.

"okay, its there. You close your eyes because i want to surprise you" Jungkook said.

"more surprises?" the boy's eyes widen in excitement.

"mhm now dont look" the demon waited untill taehyung had his eyes closed and quickly turned around to the little shop. "i would like one of those" the demon said to the human.

"just one?"

"yes one" jungkook took the flower and gave the man some coins.  It was exactly the price nothing extra. Jungkook didnt like wasting money on tips.

The demon turned around hopping towards taehyung when heb suddenly froze. The boy wasn't there....."huh?...." he was confused at first.

"Tae?" jungkook said as he looked around lowering his arm which held the flower he had bought. He didnt see the boy anywhere. Jungkook was sure taehyung was standing behind him just now.  There was no way he would be gone that fast.

"taehyung?!" he said louder and started to panick slightly. When he heard a scream he dropped the flower and ran off towards the sound.


"ah! no!" taehyung said feeling a man grabbing his shirt when he tured to run away.

"come here you" the man said annoyed and pulled at it. Taehyung yanked is shit back almost tripping from the shot back. The man was fast and grabbed his arm.

"dont touch me!" taehyung shouted and pulled his arm away from the man distancing himself. The men only looked more angry. They stepped closer and taehyung was terrified, he didnt know where Jungkook was. He only knew that he was in danger.

"s-stay back" he said. "stay back!" taehyung shouted loud, suddenly a ceacking of glass like sound was heard and men screaming. Taehyungs eyes widen and then he passed out, just before his body could his the ground something caught him.

Jungkook had caught the boy in his arms. His eyes looking around surprised. Around taehyung were crystal stones that shot up from the ground. One had hit a man and pierced through the man. His blood dripping down over the clear crystal. The man was screaming while his mates ran away.

Taehyung did this....But how....

Jungkook looked up sensing a stronf presence, on the roof above them stood a man.

Jungkook reconised him... The scar....The eye.......Danyo, a full blooded dragon. He was a dangerous man, jungkook had searched for info about this man after hearing he was bothering Taehyung.

The demon glared at the dragon who turned around and walked away without saying a word.

Then taehyung moved. Jungkook immediately moved his attention to the boy and watched him open his eyes. Slowly the crystals moved back into the ground dissapearing leaving only cracks in the ground. And the man that was spiked and stuck in the crystal his body now bleeding to death.

Taehyung looked around confused of what happend. When he saw the tall crystals around them and the dead man he gasped and started to tremble.

"n-no no no......I k-killed him!" taehyung said and wrapped his arms around himself falling on his knees. "i-i didnt m-mean to h-hurt anyone. I-i- didnt want t-to hurt h-him"

"hey hey calm down first" jungkook kneeled next to the boy woth a worried expression.

"h-he is dead. I-i killed him Jungkook, i killed someone!" taehyung gripped his hair and hid his face against his knees. Jungkook pulled the boy against him in a hug

"dont think about it, it was self defence....."

"i-im a murderer...."

"no youre not, if anyone here is a murderer it is me. You defended yourself, it was you or them. thats something else."

"please dont s-see me as a monster.."

"i would never, you are too cute for that" Jungkook chuckled. The boy was really shocked by what happend, and it was easy to tell. "come i got you something that may cheer you up"

He lifted up the boy whose legs had turned weak out of shock and walked back to where he lost taehyung before. There on the ground was the sunflower he bought for the smaller.

"its a bit broken here, but i hope its alright"

"its a sunflower..." taehyung said forgetting about the happening just now. His body warmed seeing the flower that the demon calls him. He smiled and held it close to him.

"a sunflower for my own sunflower" jungkook said running his fingers through taehyungs white shimmering hair.

"thank you, its beautiful" 


Hmmm tae got some powers👀

Thank you for reading, see you innthe next chapter!

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