12: vision

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"well then, get him here" the man said. Waving his hand. From the other side of the room a man pulled a boy after him. He looked ethereal but his face showed pure fear.

"no no please!" the boy said struggling back. But it was hard. Half of his hand was broken off showing the shimmery crystal inside.
The men didnt listen to his pleasds and pressed him onto the table.
Pinning his arm stretched forward.

"i beg you d-dont!"

The other man,who had a noticeable scar on his face, walked to the wall and grabbed a hammer. Walking back to the boy. He chuckled and held the boys wrist to keep his hand...Or what was left of it, in place.
He raised the hammed and slammed it down. Glass cracking sound was heard. His hand shattered into pieces.

"aaah!" the boy screamed out in pain amd his knees looked like giving up. He began sobbing his free hand tapping the man that held him, hoping he would let go.

"so beautiful, it amazes me how much money i can get from you" the man with the hammer said. He then hit again but this time on the boy's arm. It shattered into bigger pieces.  "thats enough for now" the man stepped back and shoved the pieces into a bag.

The man let go of the boy who sank to the floor clutching his broken arm. Seeing smaller pieces of crystal fall down on his lap.


Jungkook gasped and almost stood up. He had gotten a vision again...He got these sometimes. But this time was different. This was about Taehyung.

Jungkook frowned and looked at the stage where that boy he saw in his vision stood.

"60!" someone said. The crowd went silent for a moment. They leaned forward some scratching their heads debating if it was worth to go higher. Not everyone had a high budget.

Jungkook looked at the man. He reconised him. It the man from his vision...
he looked back at the boy on the stage and his heart clenched.


"100!" jungkook was shocked by his own voice. He didnt realise he had started to bid.
People looked at him and he collected his cool. Staring in front of him.
The other man turned to him at wel. His scar hitting the light and Jungkook squinted his eyes.

He will not let that man buy Taehyung.....


-back to present-


Taehyung was shoved through the front door and tripped falling on his knees. Luckily he didnt break anything. But jungkooks aura was overwelming. It made him feel scared.

"what a fucking day" jungkook said angry and turned around leaving the house again. He shut the door with a bang.

"oh my, Taehyung?!" it was Jimin. The vampire was very shocked and confused to see the boy back here.
He rushed to his side and helped him up.

"what happend, how come you are here?" jimin had seen jungkook just now but he didnt understand why jungkook took him back home.

Jimin thought the demon was going to sell him.

"i dont know, i just want to leave. I want to go back, to mr.Shin" taehyung said and got sad. Everything went wrong. Yes he was glad not to be sold but staying with this demon who was just scaring the life out of him wasnt any good either.

"come, let me get you comfy and a cup of tea" jimin saig and walked with the boy to the livingroom. He gave him a fluffy blanket and the cup of tea as he said. Taehyung havent said anything yet just staring into the hot warm colored liquid called tea.

"if he didnt sell you, he wont do it" jimin said. He remembered that that was one more thing jungkook havent sold when he said he would and he still got it. When jungkook goes against his own words that means he lied, he wasnt sure of his thoughts. He doesnt do the same thing twice like that.

"okay" taehyung said and sipped the tea. "the tea is mice"

"really i dont like this one"

Taehyung looked at the vampire. Jimin then chucked and scratched the back of his neck. "well no one here likes this flavour so i tried to see if you like it" Taehyung smiled a bit at Jimins reaction.

"where is Yoongi?"

"he is sleeping, he needs it he isnt a vampire like me. He is a lazy boring wolf"

"im not boring" a voice said and a black haired male walked into the room with his pajamas on.
It was yoongi. immediately Jimin smiled, clearly very in love with this man.

"im just joking" jimin chuclked. "i want attention~"

"i know, why wont you come upstairs with me and i will give you the attention you wish for" yoongi grinned as he leaned against the kitchen counter with a glass water.

"i would happily do but i got to give Taehyung here company. Im a good friend"

"whatever you say princes" Yoongi said and out the now empty glass on the counter. Before he left Jimin send the wolf a blow kiss.

"you really like yoongi" taehyung said. Slowly forgetting about what happend today.

"i do, he is a sweetheart" jimin said smiling.

"does Jungkook have someone?" he asked getting curious. Maybe that was where the demon was going everytime?

"oh no he doesnt, he doesnt like to be stuck to something that isnt wort it" jimin said and shrugged. "he is just stupid."

"oh...I see"

"well he did get a few flings here and there a long time ago but thats been years. Like in his 100's or so" jimin said. Taehyung still had to get used to their immortal ages.
"but yea those were just used for his needs thats it, he said that he just needs to get it done time to time"

"but why does he leave so much then?"

"to feed. He is a demon half dragon, his demon side still wants blood ya know. So he goes out and feed from others, and he goes out to do business as well"

"oh like that" taehyung nodded and placed the empty cup on the table next to him.

"but well, he isnt that busy actually. He is just a very strange confusing person" jimin chuckled and shook his head. "oh well, are you sleepy?"

Taehyung nodded.

"i will walk with you, i will join my Yoongi love" jimin smiled and took the empty cup leaving it on the kitchen counter.


Oho whats with jungkookie is he able to see the future, how interesting...🕵️🏻👁️

Thank you for reading see you at the next chapter ^^

THE BOY OF CRYSTAL [vkook/taekook]Where stories live. Discover now