28: broken

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Jungkook jumped down to the floor below them with no hesitation and kneeled down next to taehyung who laid there. His hands wanted to touch but he hesitated. His hands started to tremble.
He saw a huge crack in Taehyungs neck that went up to his cheek. The boy looked frozen.

"T-tae?" jungkook said and genlty touched the boy. Taehyungs eyes moved and he rolled on his side. Jungkook gasped when he saw shattered pieces on the ground below the boy.

"Dont move!" he said and put the boy back down. He didnt know what to do. He knew that the damage was worse than what he was seeing but he didnt dare to look. His heart was feeling a very bad pain seeing this, he was beyond worried. Scared that the boy would shatter when he lifted him up.

Mr.Jeon stood there on the top, he looked at the two before leaving the room without a sound.

Jungkook linked to Jimin who was nearby.

"jimin come here right now, please!"

"Jungkook?! What happend?" jimin replied.

"t-taehyung he...Just come okay!"

Withing ten seconds Jimin appeared in the room and he gasped when he saw what was going on.

"what happend!?" he asked rushing to the two.

"h-he fell" jungkook said, he didnt know what to do. His mind was all over the place.

"yea, and what you want me to do?!" jimin said also not knowing what to do. Jungkook thought then stood up.

"j-jungkook, i feel strange" taehyung said, he couldn't move his left leg. "a-am i broken?" he asked with fear. He didnt want to break, he didnt want to die. He didnt want to be frozen forever.

"it will be okay, lets get us out of here. Jimin can you gather all the shards" jungkook said and carefully lifted the boy. He rushed out of the castle back to their own realm. Right now the most important thing was Taehyung.




His mind was filled with the boy in his arms. He flew back home holding the boy securely in his claw and landed in the garden. As soon they got in the house he gently laid down taehyung on the bed.

"what do you feel?" jungkook asked.

"it...Hurts" taehyung said and looked around. He noticed his left eye wasnt clear anymore,  a crack blocking a part of his view.
"am i broken?"

"you will be fine" jungkook said feeling  a sting inside his chest. He didnt want to see the boy like this, and it made him realise that taehyung grew very close to him. He may care about the boy more than he intended to.

"p-please tell me, am i b-broken?" the hurt in taehyungs voice made jungkook feel worse. If he only had paid more attention, if he only was faster.

"youre just a bit cracked.." jungkook said. Taehyung fell silent and stared at the ceiling. A wave of sadness washed over him his right hand moved up to feel his neck, he felt a deep crack there and he started crying.

"i-i dont want to die. P-please, mr.Shin. Please call mr.Shin" taehyung asked as he looked at Jungkook, almost begging the demon to listen to him.

"no way, i will ask Hoseok" jungkook had a strong dislike towards mr.Shin and refused to go to the old man.
"let me remove your clothing, i want to see the damage"

Taehyung shut up, jungkook wont listen anyway. He let the raven take off his shirt and pants leaving him in his boxers. Taehyung covered his chest with his right arm, unable to move his left.

Jungkook looked at taehyung the crack was all the way from his upper right leg to his right cheek, it looked bad. Luckily he wasnt falling apart, just cracked. He sighed and sat down on the bed, covering the boy with the blanket. This morning everything was fine, now it seemed like the worst.

Jungkook had a hard time listening to the sniffles and quiet sobs of te boy while he say there waiting. He didnt dare to move, because all he wanted to do was hold the boy and comfort him.

"Jungkook" Hoseoks voice was heard and jungkook turned around to face the other dragon "yoongi called me to come over."

"its, taehyung, can you...Repair him?" jungkook asked and pulled the blanket away for the most part. Hoseoks eyes widen and he looked at Jungkook.

"what did you do?!"

"nothing mucj, but he fell and...Well...Cracked"

"i dont think i can help you, it will take months for it to grow naturally. I dont think thats a good option" hoseok said looking at taehyungs teary eyes guilty. As much he wanted to help, he just couldnt give what the boy needed.

"isnt there a other way?" jungkook asked.

"im sorry, this is beyond my knowledge" hoseok said and sighed. He walked to taehyung observing the cracks. "no i really cant.. Sorry"

Jungkook looked at taehyung, his chest hurted. Fucking hell...Jungkook cursed in his head and walked to the door. "i will be back" he said and dissapeared.


Taehyung had calmed down by now, talking to Hoseok.

"so you are always very fragile?"

"yes, mr.Shin didnt got the time to finish me, inside isnt everything connected, so i will break easily" Taehyung said. He laid there while Hoseok sat on a chair next to the bed. He thought the crystal boy was very interesting.

"i see, does it hurt? The cracks?"

"in a way, it does"

"interesting.. And do yo-"

Suddenly the door opened and jungkook walked inside. He crossed his arms glaring at the person that followed after him.
Immediately taehyungs eyes widen and he teared up again.



Ohno poor tae. I thought some action was needed to get some steam go in the making.

Hehe thank you for reading, see you in the next chapter!

THE BOY OF CRYSTAL [vkook/taekook]Where stories live. Discover now