47: lost

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"s-sunflower?...." Jungkook said his voice didnt sound confident anymore it was soft and shaky. His eyes scanned around every corner of the street. His feet moving fast around moving his panicking self.

"baby w-where are you?" he asked getting more and more worried when he couldn't find anything. "no...No no no"

Jungkook climbed up the roof looking around but the men were really gone. He didnt remember where they went. He didnt even know if they were the ones that took taehyung. He couldnt see what happened behind him. "no! Taehyung!" he shouted, but only to get silence in return.

He turned around and ran over the roof in a hurry desperate to find the boy. "taehyung!" He jumped a pair of void wings appeared making him able to reach the other side and disappeared as soon he hit the other roof. He ran untill the buildings stopped and the big center of the city blocked his path. He looked around and gripped his hair frustrated.

"FUCK!" he shouted and kneeled down. he was disappointed in himself. He paid so much attention but just when he put taehyung behind him to protect him something happened, the worst thing was that jungkook didnt know what it was. he didnt even see who ro what took him. He knew nothing. yes he was quite sure that one of the attackers took him but he wont be sure since he didnt see it. "i have to tell them" he said and shifted ignoring the pain in his muscles as he did and flew back home at high speed. his eyes stinging with tears wanting to fall.

he shifted just before he hit the ground and cursed at himself when he fell to the hard ground. he thought he was closer to the ground already but the blurry vision in his eyes made it hard to see the correct depth. he threw open the doors of his house and shut it with a bang. immediately Jimin appeared in the hallway looking alarmed.

"what are y-wait where is Taehyung?" The vampire asked noticing jungkook was alone and the dragon looked stressed.

"he is gone, something happened, i dont know what. someone took him. i dont know where he is!" Jungkook said and gripped his hair again walking into the living room pacing around.

"What do you mean, what happened?" Jimin asked now getting worried too. knowing someone letterly fragile was out there somewhere and they didnt know what jungkook was talking about. By now Yoongi also entered the room investigating what all the commotion was about.

"We got attacked, i could fight them, so i took taehyung behind me to protect him from them. but when i turned around he was gone. i dont know what happened!! suddenly he was gone."

"Someone took him??!" jimin shouted and Yoongi also knew this was bad hearing these two talk so panicked.

"wait is it about Taehyung?" the wolf asked. jimin nodded and Jungkook sat on the couch with a sigh but that inly lasted for a few seconds before he stood up again and began pacing around making the two other nervous with that behaviour.

"Yes, i think someone took him hearing what he said. but he didnt see what happened because taehyung was behind him."

"oh shit, we better go think then. who knows what will happen" yoongi said. he wasnt very much busy with taehyung that much but he did see him belong in their own little family here, he cared for taehyung just as much he did for the others, so hearing this he couldnt help but feel worried too.

"Im trying but i dont fucking kno-.....oh..." Jungkook shouted but then he stopped and his eyes darken. "its him.....it must be him.."

"wait who?" Jimin said confused.

"Gwansu" The dragon said balding his fists in anger.


Taehyung felt a pain in his leg when he moved around. a frown appeared on his pretty face as the pain kept increasing he opened his eyes with a gasp. But was met with a darkness slowly his eyes adjusted and he could see a faint light. He sat up and rubbed his head which felt cold. everything felt cold his body was just cold. as cold as the hard floor he was lying on. he bend forward looking at his leg. he had a iron chain around his ankle which was hurting his ankle, a thin but visible shimmering crack was seen.

"no no not my legs" he said and tried to open the chain but of course that wont work. he cant break iron with his bare hands. So he gave up quickly knowing it was pointless to keep trying. His clear eyes looked around in the room. there was a table and a wall with supplies he couldnt make out their shape from the point he was sitting and it was too dark. the ground below the table was stained with dark spots.

where am i? he thought frowning. he didnt recognize this place at all. where is Jungkook? why am i here? he began to feel worried realising the situation now. something had happened and he was stuck here. but what happend.

He held his head trying to think. he remembered walking with Jungkook through the city, they got attacked....jungkook put him behind his figure...then something covered his mouth....he tried to reach for Jungkook but he got pulled away, and the last thing he remembered was darkness.

He was thinking when he heard voiced and then a door he didnt even see was there opened. the bright light was turned on making him see the dark grey stone walls and the stained white floor below him. Three men walked inside. two woke the same clothing as the men that attacked him and jungkook. the third looked different. he wore more casual but fancy clothing. when he came closer Taehyung recognized him. His eyes widen and he back away as far the chain allowed him to. The clanking of the iron over the floor made the man grin wide.

taehyung knew that it was him, the scar the purple eyes, the scaled neck and nose. his tall figure, the evil smile.

No doubt, it was him.

"Well hello moneymaker" the evil dragon said bending down to taehyung's eye height.



Thank you for reading see you in the next chapter!


THE BOY OF CRYSTAL [vkook/taekook]Where stories live. Discover now