43: care

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The next morning Jungkook would swear this was the best moment he ever opened his eyes so far. The moment he woke up his sight was blessed by the boy next to him.

The small rays of sun that peeked through the small slid between the curtains shone on them. Hitting Taehyungs perfecty sculpted face. His white lashes and disheveled hair shimmering in the sun, like crystals. The soft and slow breaths that escaped the boy's nose. Everything was pretty...no...Beautiful

The demon gently used his hand to caress Taehyung's cheek brushing his hair out of his face with a small smile. He wanted to protect this boy... whatever it takes. Taehyung shouldn't be harmed anymore. Not by him, not by anyone. He was so caring, he didnt deserve it. Jungkook knew. He knew he was acting wrong at first. But his mindset was different that time.

He changed....For him.

"little sunflower...." jungkook whispered and softly pecked Taehyung's lips gently waking the boy the softest way he could. The soft coutches on his cheek and hand that was resting on Jungkooks chest. Everything he did was soft and gentle.

From being a rough man that didnt care about the boy's fragility he turned into this caring gentle demon that didnt want to hurt the boy.

"w....Warm" taehyung mumbled sleepily and scooted closer against Jungkook wrapping his arms around the man's torso. Jungkook smiled hugging him back, placing kisses on the boys soft hair.

"goodmorning Tae love"

"morning kookie.."

"kookie" jungkook chuckled he really thought the nickname was funny, but cute. He would like any nickname the boy gave him anyway.

"m hungry....my bum feels funny"

"bum-ah i see" jungkook held back his laugh at the name taehyung gave his ass. And that to think he called his ass a bum after they had sex just now. "want me to make you some breakfast?"

"i would like that yes..."

"as you wish" jungkook said and sat up letting taehyung roll off him before standing up. He looked at the boy who raised his arms at him like a child wanting to be picked up. The demon chuckled lifting up the boy and headed to the bathroom.


After they freshened up for the day and changed their bedsheets together they went to the kitchen, jungkook had put taehyung on the counter so he was close by while he prepaired the food.

"can you pour our drinks?" jungkook said handing the boy the orange juice. Taehyung nodded pouring it in two glasses while Jungkook finished the eggs.

"you two look like you just did the thing" Yoongi appeared around the corner looking at them lifting a brow.

"well maybe because we did" Jungkook shot back taking yoongi slightly off guard not expecting that reply.

"wait....You're for real?"

"of course i am"

"taehyung, is that true?" yoongi expected it to happen one that but like last night, he didnt see that coming.

"y-yes" the boy answered shyly looking away. Well this is akward...I will he going now" yoongi slowly backed out of the kitchen heading with the news to his boyfriend who was in the livingroom.

"why are those two ways so nosy, i kinda wanna get them out of my house now. So we can have some...Privacy" jungkook smirked wiggling his brows. After last night, he surely was up for more.

"kicking them out is rude. They are your friends!" taehyung said completely ignoring Jungkooks words which made the demon roll his eyes with a sigh.

"yes, but i want my house for you and me. I dont need people around when we make love or anything"

"but where would they go? This is their home"

"they will find a new home. They are lovers after all, so they only need one house"

"hmm..." taehyung gave up talking to the man and just sat there staring at the eggs that Jungkook was putting on their plates.

"breakfast is done"

"its already lunch Jeon" Yoongi said passing by once again bit this time to get a drink.



"do you think they are pretty?" Taehyung asked. The two stood in the garden. Taehyung was facinated by the roses. Most had turned black but a few were still red which shoved that jungkook really did affect them. It was in a distance around the demon which changed. So the ones acroos the garden were red. The ones near Jungkook were black.

Taehyung thought the black omes were actually really pretty like that.
He compared them with his nails that were black as well.

"meh, i dont really pay much attention to flowers. I like my fish"

"are you a fish person!?"

"well you can say it like that and i wont like it"

"come lets see the fish then, i like them too" taehyung said and hurried to the pond in Jungkook's garden. He crouched down smiling as he watched the colorful fish turn to ashy colors.

"arent you....Dissapointed or afraid?" jungkook asked.

"for what?"

"that things lose their color. Isnt it sad?"

"not at all, i think its special, you are special. One of a kind Unique!" taehyung said happily it didnt fail to cheer the demon up who started smiling.


There fell a silence again taehyung poked his finger in the cold water trying to get the fish attention but those creatures didnt even bother looking at him. They just swam away ignoring the strange worm in the water.

"be my boyfriend"

"-huh?" the boy look up surprised. The question was oddly unexpected.

"i mean..Do you want to be my boyfriend" the demon corrected realising he sounded demanding.

"i would love to...Yes, thats nice" the boy started smiling and stood up. Jungkook snaked his arm around taehyungs waist kissing him. Taehyung wrapped his hands around jungkooks neck.

"i really meant what i said, i really love you Taehyung"

"i love you too jungkook" the white haired replied smiling and hug the raven tightly.


Sorry for the late update. I was working on a other story so it would be finished and got some private things that made me unable to update. But im back!

Thank you for your patience and reading again, see you in the next update!

THE BOY OF CRYSTAL [vkook/taekook]Where stories live. Discover now