46: Gwansu

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After a refreshing shower and a brush of teeth the two were finally on their way to the library. Taehyung laying on Jungkook's back humming a song as they flew through the sky. The summer wind making his hair all bouncy.

He wished Hoseok lived further away because he wanted to stay here longer, on the back of the dragon that he loved. With a heavy sound Jungkook landed and waited untill tarhyung slid off his back before shifting. He straightened his clothes and sighed walking to the enormous golden decorated twin door of Hoseok's tower. Everything here needed to be detailed with gold.

Probably because Hoseok was a sun dragon. It reflected the light beautifully.
When Jungkook opened the door he almost flinched when Hoseok stood right behind it his hands folded in front of him hidden in the sleeves of his white with gold robe.

"welcome" the brown haired greeted the friendly visitors and turned around letting the guests inside.

"why are you beeing so screey. There is no need for that" Jungkook said kinda annoyed that the other dragon caught him off guard just now.

"hm, so what bring you here this time?" Hoseok ignored the raven and looked at Taehyung.

"well i have a question. And i think you should know the answer"

"oh nice, a quiz"

Taehyung chuckled at the joking older and put a hand in front of his lips to hide his smile.

"no-urgh, there is this man who vusited your library a while back. He got a scar on his face, purple eyes, tall, a dragon like us and-"

"oh i know who that is, his name is Gwansu"

"Gwansu? You sure?"

"yes, he isnt allowed inside anymore. I banished him from my tower. I wont forget him that easlily"

"what did he do?" taehyung asked.

"he tried to get information and threatened me. So i just kicked him out. I dont need trouble in my tower. Its not like i cant take him, i just dont need violence here. Im past that time"


"so Gwansu hm...You know anything else of him?"

"uhm only that he lives near the city, thats it. I never saw him apart of that day." hoseok said and tapped his chin looking at the floor as he tried to think of anything else.

"well thats a lot already, we will go bac-"

"Jungkoooook" a voice sang. The demon turned his head and sighed seeing jimin and yoongi walk up to them. Yoongi was panting, probably from running up the endless looking  stairs.


"we talked to seokjin, well yoongi did. And he refused to give us a proper answer. I think you better go yourself." the vampire said and halted standing next to Taehyung. He gave his friend a smile.

"i didnt want to but i guess i have no choice" Jungkook said. He realy wasnt feeling like going to Seokjin again and try to fish something out of that greedy warlock.

"alright, we will just go read here untill you're done" Yoongi said amd walked past everyone disspearimg in the many rows of books.

"lets go Tae" Jungkook said taking taehyungs hand.
Hoseok looked at their hands and then between the two. Then he smiled turning away and head to his desk.

"cute" he said sitting down


Jungkook landed down and shifted once more. Its gotten easier to do lately because he flew often. It was nice to be active again in his dragon form. He missed it. But he still preferred his demon appearance. It was more easy to enter a show if you looked human and were not as big as a huge truck that would break the door for even trying.

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