5: couch

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It was already late on the day and they needed to sleep soon. Jimin was sitting in front of Taehyung watching him eat some instant noodles.

The tree didnt eat today as they dont really eat everytime like humans do.

"okay so when you finish that i will show you your room, where you can sleep." jimin said.

"okay" taehyung gave a tiny smile and sipped the last bit of soup that was in the cup.

"also, i dont think i have introduced you to my boyfriend yet"

"boyfriend? You have a boyfriend?"

"yes! He is such a baby" jimin said and grinned. Within a few seconds Yoongi stood in the doorway with his arms crossed.

"i am not a baby. You are"

"hmm, i know" jimin looked at him but didnt say much else.

"is that him?" taehyung asked looking at the new vampire. His expression looked a bit cold but his eyes didnt look mean. So taehyung wasnt afraid of him.

"yes, thats Min Yoongi"

"hi, who are you?" yoongi asked Taehyung.

"my name is Taehyung" the crystal boy said. It sounded like the words he could speak them the best. Almost like it was programmed.

"okay, nice to meet you, jiminie love you comming to bed early today?"

"i am, first i will show Taehyung his room. He needs a spot to stay, i dont care what Jungkook thinks."

"i will be waiting" yoongi then dissapeared, walking away.

"come on, follow me" Jimin said and walked up the stairs. The house looked big, taehyung was suprised. His home was very small.

When they got upstairs Jimin showed him a room. It was bigger that the place he stayed at. He used to have. Just a simple bed in the corner and some furniture spread around the room. As he wasnt allowed out of that room often.

This made his eyes wide and he walked insidr.

"wow, this is big!"

"you can sleep here. Jungkook sleeps at the first door of the hall, dont enter tbat one. He wont like it"

"b-but are you sure i can sleep here?"

"of course. Even if Jungkook wants you gone fast. It doesnt mean i will let you be treated like a prisoner. I will give you a nice soft bed and warm room."

"thank you, thats kind" taehyung smiled and explored the room.

"you can get ready here and i will go to my room, i will give you some clothes tomorrow to wear. I think we have almost the same size. You look a bit smaller but it will do." Jimin said then left the room.

Taehyung did as told and brushed his teeth with a new brush that was still in package. He was not feeling comfortable in this house at all. He wanted to go home. Back to mr Shin. He used to take care of him.

Only Jimin and Yoongi were kind but this Jungkook man wasnt. He was scary.

"why are you here?" a voice said. Taehyung turned around seeing jungkook glare at him leaning against the doorpost.

"jimin told me to-"

"you sleep on the couch" jungkook said and left again.
Taehyung looked at the soft bed and sighed.


The next morning Jimin and Yoongi were the first one to wake up. Well actually Yoongi was, he heard a thud and woke up from it.

"Minnie...Baby wake up" he said shaking his boyfriend out of his sleep.

Yes, here, Vampires sleep, they dont get tired easily and need a amount of rest time to time. Or just sleep when they want to. So Jimin and Yoongi sleep. And so do demons. Only ghosts/spirits dont sleep.

"hm what?" Jimin said slightly annoyed as it was way to early. The sun was barely rising.

"something is downstairs" yoongi mumbled.

Jimin just wanted to shrug it off and go back to sleep when he suddenly shot up in bed with wide eyes.
"no way" he said and then jumped out of bed. He ran down the stairs into the livingroom.

He felt bad when what he thought was going on, was actually true.

Taehyung had fallen off the couch. Jimin didnt expect Taehyung to actually sleep there after Jungkook said it.
Jimin showed him a bedroom, yet the boy still stayed here.

"Tae, really..." jimin said and sighed walking to him. "are you hurt?"

Taehyung looked at him with wide innocent eyes and then shook his head looking at himself.

"s-sorry i woke you...I didnt mean to"

"its fine, but why are you here?" jimin asked and helped the other on the couch.

"Jungkook told me to..."

"aish, you should sleep in a nice soft bed. Not the couch, look you fell. What if your arm broke. We dont want that."

"but he-"

"i will talk to him, you are going to sleep in that nice room i showed you yesterday"

"oh really?" someone said. The voice was reconised by the two immediately.
They turned their heads to the kitchen seeing Jungkook lean against the counter with a glass water. His intense black hair brushed back exposing his sharp grey eyes.

"yes he isnt going to sleep in the couch a day longer"

"its just been a few hours, he will get used to it"

"fuck off Jungkook" jimin muttered annoyed. He liked this Taehyung buy, he wasnt arrogant or selfish like a lot of people out there in this city. But taehyung was kind and soft. He looked innocent.

"hm repeat that one more time?" jungkook suddenly stood besides Jimin in a fast movement.

"nothing, but im staying at my words. Taehyung will get that room.

"i wil think about it, unless i say so he isnt going to enter any of the bedrooms. And especially not mine."


Jungkook is a bit mean in the start. But i mean its vkook story so👀 yknow..͡° ͜ʖ ͡°

Well lets ignore i said that.
Thank you for reading this pretty boring chapter. see u at the next update!

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