19: new face

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Taehyung woke up, he felt well rested and warm. He liked being in bed because the blankets would warm him he liked being warm, he doesnt produce body heat naturally like humans do.

He opened his eyes and looked around, the sun lit up the room. His eyes fell onto a figure....Jungkook. He still sat there on his bed. His eyes were closed and arms crossed. Taehyung sat up and looked at the demon's face. When he watched this close he could see that he was demon and half dragin. The sharp features and black hair. But he also remembers the longer fangs he had, they were different from a vampire. Now he watched him like this he noticed something new. On his ear and jawline was a slight texture of triangle like scales.

He lifted his hand, but hesitated...He wanted to feel it but he didnt dare to touch the demon.
Seeing his eyes still shut he gathered courage and tried again. His fingers almost touching the jawline.
And thats when jungkooks eyes snapped open. Staring right in Taehyungs eyes.
The boy was shocked and just froze in place.

Taehyung was expecting jungkook to say something to him, to put him in place for trying to touch him. But he didnt, the demon was just watching him. Not moving an inch.
Taehyung didnt know what jungkook was waiting for but taehyung continued even if he felt scared of what jungkook might do.

His gentle fingers touched the textured jawline of the demon. He could feel it, it felt nice.
Jungkook didnt to anything he just stared at taehyung, feeling the boys fingers touch his face.

"sorrry for touching you" taehyung said, he didnt know if the other disliked it. He just didnt want to anger jungkook. But when he said it the demon just looked at him without replying, at first..

"Hm" jungkook stood up and left the room.


The boy got out of bed a while later, he wanted to lay down a bit longer and shower. So now he was walking down the stairs in his new clothes.
He was feeling happy.

Taehyung was wondering what to eat. He didnt see Jimin or yoongi downstairs so he will try to do it himself. But when he came down in the kitchen he saw the demon sit on a chair at the table. He shoved the plate with a nice breakfast forward and stood up.

"eat" he said and walked to the livingroom area.

Taehyung was surprised by jungkook giving hin food. But he didnt complain, he sat down and started eating with a smile.

"goodmorning" taehyung looked up to see Jimin enter the room. "how did you sleep?" jimin asked seeing taehyung all wake and smiling.


"thats good to hear"

Taehyung nodded and looked past jimin. Jungkook was watching him and taking a sip from his drink.

"just ignore him" jimin said following taehyungs gaze.

But taehyung couldnt just look away, he felt like he had to look at him. He felt this strange feeling.
He had been acting differently since yesterday. He wasnt always being angry at taehyung.

"tae?" jimin said and then taehyung snapped from his thoughts. He looked at the vampire who was now drinking a cup tea. Did he stare for that long?

On the other side was Jungkook who glared at Jimin, he finished his drink and stood up leaving the room.


"nice of you to join me" yoongi said. He was going to the library and taehyung asked if he could come with him.

"can i get a book as well?"

"sure" the two entered the building and walked through this maze of bookshelves.

"welcome back" a deep and echoing voice said. Taehyung smiled he remembered that voice as Hoseoks. The golden dragon that owns this place.

"hello!" he said when he saw Hoseok sit around the corner. But this time it wasnt the big dragon, it was a human. The man had brown-red hair and a kind smile while sitting between piles of books.

"how is your arm Taehyung?" he asked.

"good, look" taehyung pulled up his sleeve showing the almost fully healed cracks. It worked but it wasnt as fast as mr.Shins way. But he wasnt here....Taehyung sighed thinking about him. He wants to see him again.

"thats great" hoseok said and stood up a book floated with him when he walked to one of the shelves searching the titles. "so what brings you here today?"

"i came with Yoongi, i want to get a book like him"

"aah, well i got many to chose from. Look around as you please"

"thank you" taehyung headed to the first books he saw. Yoongi was gone already somewhere in this maze that taehyung probably will never understand.

It was nice to look at all the different books, taehyung loved reading..It was what he did to keep himself buisy when he was with mr.Shin. Mr.Shin told him that he shouldnt be seen by others, that it was dangerous. But now the boy was outside in the big world, it didnt look that bad.

Taehyung grabbed a second book that he thought was interesting from the shelf. He turned around and was startled. He dropped the books.

There stood a man. His face had a big scar wich looked painful, his eyes purple. Taehyung thought this man mudt be a dragon as well seeing the scaled texture on his neck and nose. His scales were different than jungkooks.


"you are even better up close. they were not lying." the man said eyeing taehyung uo and down.

"what do you mean?"

"You are that crystal boy, i know it. You are supposed to be mine" the man hissed the last oast clearly that bothered him.

"i-i dont get what you are talking about" taehyung took a step back but his back was already against the bookshelf.

"sure you dont, that annoying Jeon Jungkook guy was just to stubborn to sell you"

Now taehyung got what he was talking about, the auction... Was he one of the bidders?

"anyway, he wont keep you forever-"

"taehyung. You ready?" yoongi stood there. When his eyes saw the unknown dragon he squjnted his eyes.

"who are you?"

"no one that concerns you. " the man said and stepped back. Then turned to taehyung. "we will meet again"
He then left.

"who was that?" yoongi asked taehyung and picked up the fallen books from the floor.

"i dont know..." taehyung answered and took the books back. "thanks"

"lets go home"


I am making apple pie!

Thank you for reading, see you in the next chapter!

THE BOY OF CRYSTAL [vkook/taekook]Where stories live. Discover now