38: marks (--m)

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Jungkook and Taehyung went to the bedroom. Taehyung was very tired adnd said he was going to get ready for bed. Jungkook agreed and brushed his teeth while taehyung went to change into his pajama's.

Taehyung entered the bathroom as jungkook left and started to brush too.  The demon stood in front of the bed putting on bis shirt as he stared at tarhyungs figure through the doorway. The bright light in the bathroom amd thin fabric of his shirt made jungkook able to see his upper body shape. The demon licked his lips amd moved his eyes down, he was obviously checking Taehyung out.

The boy rinsed and wiped his mouth,
But as soon the boy left the bathroom and walked to the bed Jungkook spun the boy around snaking a arm around his waist and pressed their lips together.

Taehyungs eyes widen in surprisement, but then he closed them giving in to the other. His hands slowly gripped Jungkooks sleeves, his legs going weak. He could just hold himself up but when jungkook parted and sucked his neck theu gave up.

The raven held him securely in his arm. "i got you" he said, his deep voice going through taehyung's ear

The demon gently pushed taehyung down onto the bed and hovered above him. His eyes looked at the spot where he made a hickey. A hickey looked different on Taehyung's body, they looks like white glitter/shimmering spots. It must be because the boy didnt have blood like most do.

Jungkook liked that, it was pretty. A unique way to show everyone taehyung was his now.  He chuckled and bend back down kising the boy again. This time deeper. He tilted his head and licked taehyungs bottom lip. The boy hesitated before parting his lips slightly. As he did jungkook took that chance to push his tongue inside and play with Taehyung's. His hand moving down over taehyung's side feeling his slim waist through the thin fabric of his shirt.
This boy was just perfect in jungkooks eyes. He didnt have a single flaw.

"j-jungkook" taehyung breathed out when they parted his plack irises staring at Jungkook. He smiled shyly.

"you are mine Taehyung, i wont let you go anymore. You belong with me" the demon said and slipped his hand under taehyung's shirt. The boy gasped from the hand suddenly caressing his chest. But it felt nice.
"beautiful" jungkook said as he stared at taehyung's face.

The raven pushed taehyungs legs apart getting between them and lifted the boy's shirt. He began placing kisses on Taehyung's belly. Giving it a lick too.

The boy closed his eyes his hands holding the blankets as he squirmed around softly. This feeling was new, he felt good. Everywhere were tingles and warm feelings, his body was actually heating up.

Jungkook felt his pants tightening. He moved his hips to release some tightness. And when he did that he brushed against Taehyung's crotch too, 'accidentally'.
The crystal boy let out a soft moan and pulled the blanket. He raised one leg spreading his legs even more.

"lets stop here..." Jungkook said. He kmew taehyung wasnt used to this and didnt want to overwhelm the boy with everything at once. Even if Jungkook would gladly do so he didnt think it was a good idea. He will deal with his 'problem' himself this time.

"i-i liked......It" taehyung said and closed his legs again turning into a  small ball as he looked at Jungkook. Now many shimmering hickey's on his neck, colarbones and belly.

"thats good, i will be right back" Jungkook said and quickly flashed to the toilet downstairs locking the door. He pushed down his pants and grabbed a hold of hisi member.

Closing his eyes he imagined having the boy under him, hearung the moans on repeat.

"f-fuck Tae..." he cursed and moved his hand faster. He never expected to fall for this boy. He never intended to, yet here he was jerking off to a imaginary scene in his head of the boy.

"shit...Tae...A-ah Taehyung" jungkook moaned quickly bit his lip as his hand went fast. He moaned while biting his lip harshly and came. His seeds getting spilled over his hand and floor. He waited untill the feeling was over. Then quickly cleaned his hand and the floor before exiting the toilet.

"ohh~" someone said. Jungkook took a breath and froze in place. "thinking of taehyung i hear?" it was Yoongi.

"you heard nothing, this wont be spoken about or i will kill you"

"hmm" yoongi said unimpressed by the threat. He grinned wide before walking to the toilet. When he grabbed the handle he suddenly changed his mind and went back to the livingroom.

"im back" Jungkook said when he went into his bedroom. Taehyung smiled turning on his side to watch the demon get in on the other side. "you should move into my room"

"can i?"

"of course you can, you basically live in my bedroom ready."

"i would like to"

"then thats settled, now go sleep"

Taehyung pouted he didnt want to sleep yet but hw did feel very tired. He shyly scooted closer to Jungkook hoping he would get the hint. Which the demon luckily for him did, wrapped his arms around taehyung and pull the boy against his chest.

Taehyung liked to be held, it made him feel safe. He felt safe with Jungkook.


I am very tired. Going to sleep, goodnight lovelies. 😴 🌙

Thank you for reading see you in the next update!

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