18: scared

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The two arrived back home taehyung was silent thinking of what happend. Jungkook saved him, he was thankful for that.

"you're back, took you long enough" Jimin said when the two entered the livingroom. "did yo-" jimin suddenly stopped talking looking at something that was very intersting.
"are you holding hands?!"

The two were indeed holding hands. Taehyung kept feeling unsafe and walking almost against Jungkook to hide from other people. So jungkook held his hand to make him stop. But they didnt let go untill they were home.

So as soon Jimin said that and yoongi's head also turned to them, the demon quickly let go putting his hands in his pockets. Taehyung pouted.

"he was scared" jungkook said

"why were you scared?" jimin asked taehyung.

"someone wanted to hurt me, but jungkook protected me" taehyung smiled a bit. Jungkook glanced at the crystal boy.

"he did?" yoongi lifted a brow.

"yea, what about it"

"nothing much, but i thought you didnt care" yoongi said with a shrug. Jungkook glared at him and rolled his eyes walking away again.

"strange man" jimin said and stood up. "Taehyungie, come i made something today"

"oh really, what is it?" taehyung said curious and followed the blonde.

"look, little cookies" jimin showed the cookies he baked to the boy. "take one let me know what you think"

"they look good" taehyung said and grabbed one of them. He ate it and hummed. The taste was delicious.
"and it tastes amazing!"

"really?!" jimins eyes widen and he smiled.


"you two look like kids" Yoongi said standing in the doorway with his arms crossed. "all happy over cookies"

"oh shut up, i know you like cookies too"

"yea to eat, not hype like this"

"here taste one" jimin said and gave yoongi one of the fresh baked cookies.

"fine" yoongi said accepting the cookies amd eating it. He had to admit that they taste very good, but no way he was going to act all cheerful over this. "its good"

"i know" the vampire said with a smug grin.

"why so confident now" yoongi frowned. He remembered jimin being unsure if they will turn out good. And now he was all cocky about it

"becuase taehyung said they were good, so they are"

"huh me?" taehyung was confused his opinion suddenly got so important.

"of course you, there isnt a other Taehyung here right?" jimin chuckled and shook his head.

"ah you're right" taehyung said and got a bit shy.

"annyway im off to bed" yoongi said and left the kitchen.

"Lets go to bed as well, i need to shower still, and yoongi was bothering me he was tired and i shouldnt make it late" jimin said and put the bowl with cookies away. Taehyung nodded and followed the vampire upstairs 

"see youtl tomorrow then!" jimin smiled. Taehyung smiled back and nodded.

"yea, goodnight Minmin"

"cute" jimin chuckled and walked to his and yoongis bedroom.
When he left taehyung looked at the door of Jungkooks bedroom. He wondered what it looked like inside there.

Now he came to think of it, jungkook suddenly left again but he didnt return. Where was he going everytime?

The boy sighed and went in his room to sleep.


It was just past midnight and Taehyung haven't closed an eye yet. He was hiding under the blanket holding the pillow. He was scared. Someone wanted to hurt him he didnt know who it was, and why. He didnt know anyone that disliked him other than Jungkook.

He didnt feel so safe anymore.

Suddenly he heard footsteps. He held his breath and shrunk in a little ball.
But when he felt something land on his shoulder he yelped and panicked.

"shh shut it" a low voice said. Putting a hand on his mouth  

Taehyung looked up with teary eyes in the dark. He felt more scared than before..But then he noticed it was someone he knew, more like Jungkook.
He was confused, he didnt know if he should be scared or relieved.

"j-jungkook?" taehyung said confused trying to calm his panicking self.

"silence" jungkook said and sat down on the bed.

"w-what are you doing?"

"make you sleep" jungkook answered. "now go lay down."

"why?.." taehyung wiped his eyes and slowly laid down like the demon said.

"you are scared"

"how d-"

"dont talk, sleep" jungkook pressed Taehyungs head back down on the pillow next to him. When taehyung wasnt closing his eyes he lifted a brow.

The boy quickly shut his eyes and tried to sleep as fast he could.
He felt the blanket being pulled higher up and placed down gently over his shoulders and at that taehyung fell asleep.


I see you 👀

Why am i tired so early, its like 8:50 pm and im already feeling i need to sleep. But its so early why am i so tired??

Thank you for reading, see you in the next chapter!

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