Chapter 19

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Santana's P.O.V.
I've spent the rest of my day planning me and Brittany's date and picking out my outfit and I think I have the perfect plan. I look at the clock and see it's already 7:30, so I put the finishing touches on my makeup. I look in the mirror, my hair bone straight and pulled into a high pony, I'm wearing a red cocktail dress that hugs my curves and I finish the whole think off with a pair of silver pumps. I grab my crutches and head out the door.
After about twenty minutes of driving I reach Brittany's house; I walk to her front door my palms sweating and my heart racing. I finally work up the courage to ring the doorbell, I wait for what seems like forever, then the beautiful blonde opens the door.
"H-hi.", I stutter.
"Hi, Santana.", She says shyly.
"You look absolutely breath taking.", I tell her blushing.
"Thank you.", She says.
"I got you this.", I say as I give her the rose got her. She leans in and kiss's my cheek; I feel my cheeks turn red.
"Ready to go, beautiful?", I ask the tall blonde.
"Yes.", She says and closes the door behind her. I escort her to the car and open her door. We start driving to the location of our date, the whole time I'm trying to keep myself from looking over at her and her pink maxi dress and perfect gold locks. I park the car at the location of the date, a few hours before I set up a picnic area with little twinkly lights every where, in the park. I go over to Brittany's side and help her out.
"Oh my gosh, Santana.", She says in awe.
"It's it's beautiful.", She speaks.
"So are you hungry right now or would you like to eat later?", I ask smiling.
"Later, right now I just want to be with you.", She says taking my hands.
"Then would you dance with me?", I ask.
"But, there's no music.", She says.
"Don't underestimate me.", I tell her as music starts play.
"Now will you dance with me?", I ask extending my hand to her.
"I thought you'd never ask.", She giggles. I wrap my arms around her waist her arms going around my neck. She nuzzles her head into my chest and it feels as if time has stopped, and everything in this moment is perfect.
"I love you, Brittany.", I whisper.
"I love you too, Santana.", She says back lifting her head up. My hands making their way to her face her hands inching to my waist then I lean in and kiss her. She kisses me back and for these few minutes we are one. We both pull back and I lead her to the blanket I set out and we lay down her head on my chest.
"Santana, I love you and and laying her with you, but I'm getting hungry.", I laugh and sit up.
"Well, guess what I got us?"
"Chinese!", She exclaims.
"You know it baby! I even got your favorite!"
"Orange Chicken?!"
"You are the best girlfriend ever!", She says.
"Wait are we?", She ask nervously.
"Yes, Brittany we are.", I lean in and give her a peck on the lips. Then hand her, her food and silver ware and we start eating.
"Oh my gosh! This food is so good!", She says taking a big bite. I start to laugh a little.
For the next few hours we just sit and talk... and kiss. She is perfect in every way. She helps me take down all the lights and put them into the car, laughing and teasing with each other as we do it. We get in the car and I start to drive back to her house and I hold her hand the whole there. I park the car, then walk Brittany to her door.
"Tonight was amazing. Thank you, Santana.", She says smiling ear to ear. I take her hands into mine and speak.
"Brittany, you're mine now. That means only the best for you. I will always be there for you, I will hold your hand with pride, I will kiss you no matter the stares, I will hold you when your sad, I promise I will do all these things and more, because I love you."
"I love you too. Do you wanna come in?", She asks.
"Not tonight. Tonight has already been more amazing than I could ever imagine."
"Ok, I love you babe.", She leans in for one last kiss and we just kiss for a few minutes.
"Ok, I have to go. I love you. See you tomorrow.", I kiss her cheek.
"I love you too. See you tomorrow.", She says and goes into the house. I sit there for second and realize I'm the luckiest girl in the world.
A/N SUP! I really hope you guys liked this chapter! Bye!

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