Chapter 24

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Santana's P.O.V.
I sat there crying to myself, thinking about all the things I should've told her, all the things I should've done. Then I was interrupted.
"Santana?", They asked. I turned around and saw it was him.
"What fetus-face?", I ask annoyed, tears still coming down my cheeks.
"Santana, we're friends remember?", He says and sits down next to me.
"Yeah, I remember.", I say. He takes my face and making me look at him.
"Then let your guard down. Please.", I play with the locket in my hands and stare at the water.
"It's not that easy. It's been up my entire life and it's up for a reason the few times I let myself go I end up being hurt.", A tear escapes my eye.
"I promise I won't hurt you.", He says wrapping his arm around me.
"Okay. What do you wanna know?", I ask.
"How are you?", Through all of this nobody has bothered to ask so I'm a little taken back.
"If you really want to know I'm hurting. Everything that's happened these past few weeks has been like hell, well except maybe one thing.", I say as a smile creeps onto my lips thinking about Brittany and how amazing she is.
"Lopez are you smiling I must what wonderful thing has happened to make you smile through all this!", He jokes.
"Well you see that girl with the long blonde hair wearing the purple dress, with the beautiful blue eyes.", I say and point to Britt.
"Do you mean Brittany?", He asks.
"Yes.", I say smiling at her and her beauty.
"You two are dating?", He ask curiously.
"If you must know, yes I am dating Brittany S. Pierce.", I say happily.
"You love her don't you?"
"How could you tell?", I ask.
"I've seen your hate look, your anger look, and all the others. But this one. This is a new one.", He says. I stand up and take his hand and pull him up.
"What are you doing?", He questions.
"I'm going back. And I'm going to be brave through the rest of funeral.", I say confidently. He pulls me into a hug his chest smelling like Axe. We stand there for a minute, then he finally says something.
"I'm so proud of you, Santana.", He says. Then I feel a drip of water on my head I let go and we both look up. It's pouring rain. He puts his jacket around me then kissed my head.
"Come on let's go.", He says and we both run underneath the tarp. I go and sit next to my Abuelita and Brittany. I reach over and squeeze Brittany's hand. She squeezes back then looks at me. I lean in and lay a kiss on her lips, she smiles and nuzzles her head into my shoulder.
So this is what true love feels like.

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