Chapter 15

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Rachel's P.O.V.

 "What?", I ask sitting up in shock.

 "Rachel, marry me. Please you could die anyday now and I don't want you to die knowing we could've had it all.", Tears start to stream down my face like a waterfall. I sit up and start to speak.

 "Santana, I-I love you so much, but-."

 "But you can't. I've heard it all before-"

 "Santana, please listen to me!"

 "No, Rachel. Listen to me for once! You've broken my heart before I should've expected this! I actually thought you might say yes, but part of me always knew you would say no. You know Rachel you always hurt me;no matter how many times you apologize you always end up breaking me down, I can't let you keep hurting me like this! I'm done!", she screamed at me.

 "Santana, don't do this. Please, I don't want to lose you! I will do anything just don't go; I need you more than anything in this world! Please don't break my heart!"

 "I'm not breaking it, I'm letting it be free.", I start completely balling.

 "Santana, I can't live without you!"

 "Then say yes, Rachel! Say yes to me, say yes to us!"

 "I-I-I can't agree something I don't want... I'm not ready.", I cry.

 "You were ready with Finn. I know you're still in love with him. So stop putting me through this torture and leave!"

 "San, please!", I cry to her.

 "Just go, Rachel! You don't love me! You never did! I'm not an idiot! I never want to see you again!", she just broke my heart into a million peices. I stand up and leave her room, and say,"Goodbye, Santana Lopez."

 Don't cry, Rachel. Just keep walking, don't turn around, don't turn around, don't turn around. I'm okay; no I'm not. Just walk away she doesn't want to be with you. She needs someone else. Just walk out the door. Okay good you're out the door.

 I walk outside and get into my dads car and tell them to go home. They keep asking me about what happened in there, but I just can't say it; it hurts too much. We pull into the driveway and when I step out of the car there he is Finn Huson sitting on my doorstep. What is he doing?

 "Finn, what are you doing here?", I ask.

 "I'm here to see you! I'm not giving up on you so easy!"

 "Please go home. I've had a rough night.", He doesn't leave he just walks towards me.

 "I'll go home, but not before this.", He grabs my face and pulls me in and kisses me, I can't help but kiss him back. What are you doing, Rachel? You won't get Santana back by making out with Finn! I think to myself and pull myself away from his lips, His hands are still wrapped my waist as he speaks to me, "After that if you still want to be with Santana I'll let you go."

 "I still want to be with Santana... So please leave.", I tell him shyly.

 "You will come to your senses and come back to me, Rachel Barbra Berry.", He walks away.

 "Goodbye, Finn!", I wave goodbye to him.

 What will I do? How can I get San back now? Time to start thinking of a new plan...

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