Chapter 22

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Rachel's P.O.V.
Hey, Rach! Unlock your window I'm about to climb up! -Xoxo
I get up and unlock it and sit back down.
Done! -R
He pops through the window and lands on the ground swiftly and quietly.
"Hey, Rach!", He says happily running his fingers through his green and black hair. I get up and wrap my arms and legs around him.
"Hey, Mason!", I say ecstatic to finally see him.
"Looks like somebody missed me!", He laughs hugging me. I get off of him and plop onto my bed. He sits next to me.
"Of course I did! My best friend since preschool has been in Europe for three months!", I say popping open another wine cooler.
"Hey! I thought we were quitting! Remember what happened in Maui, me, you, Quinn, and a weird Hawaiian club!", He says, both of us bursting into laughter thinking about when me, him, and Quinn went to Maui for spring break last year! God, I miss Quinn!
"Do you miss her?", I ask, already knowing the answer.
"Of course I do. I just wish I was here to say goodbye to her.", He says a little sad.
"Why don't we say goodbye to her by ourselves! We both know Quinn wouldn't want some lame funeral! She would want us to go out and have some fun!", I say pumping my fist in the air.
"Heck ya!", He joins in the fist pumping.
"Only if we could make her funeral that's happening tomorrow, how do I say this, less lame!", I laugh.
"Come on, Rach. It's us. All three of us have been best friends since pre-school, I'm pretty sure Quinn's awesomeness had rubbed off onto us to enough give us some ideas.", He says deviously.
"Well Mason. Let's get planning."

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