Chapter 14

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*a week later*
Santana's P.O.V.
It's been a week since I was admitted out of the hospital. Rachel was admitted out of the hospital three days ago, I want to see her but I don't have the courage to. Her dads have invited me over many times, but what can you say to someone you love that is dying? I'm really trying to have courage, but I just can't imagine having to face her.
Rachel's P.O.V.
I was admitted out of the hospital three days ago, I've been resting a lot and trying to wrap my head around the thought that I could die any day now. I really need Santana right now, but she won't answer my calls, texts, or emails. My dad's have called her multiple times too. I think I need to just go to her myself.
I call my dads to come to my room since I need help walking. They come in and I explain to them that I want to see Santana, they understand. I put on my Uggs and pull my hair into a pony tail; the only makeup I have on is mascara and blush. My dads help me down stairs to the car. We drive to her house.
A few minutes later we arrive to her house, I knock on the door to see Ms.Lopez.
"Hi, Ms.Lopez is Santana home?", I ask. Before she says anything she pulls me into a hug.
"Rachel, I'm so happy you're still here with us, and yes Santana is in her room.", She tells me. My dads try to help me, but I tell them I can do it by myself. I walk to San's room and knock on her door.
"Come in!", She yells. I've missed her voice so much. I open the door, and walk in.
"Hi, Santana."
Santana's P.O.V.
"Rachel.", I start to cry seeing her for the first time in a week. She closes the door and runs over and kisses me. She lays next to me, then lays her head on my chest.
"I've missed you.", I tell her.
"I've missed you too.", She says back.
"I love you.", I tell her.
"I love you too.", She tells me.
"Let's get married.", I say.
A/N HEY! I really hope you guys liked this chapter I really like it! And how about that cliff hanger! Ok! Love you guys!

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