Chapter 9

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Rachel's P.O.V.

We've been driving for about four hours and we're still not their. I woke up and saw that Brittany was now driving. Quinn had fell asleep in my lap.

"Britt?" I whispered.

"Yeah, Rach?" she answered back.

"Where are we?" I questioned.

"We're about an hour away from the hospital." She told me. It wasn't light out yet, but I could tell we weren't in a good part of town.

"Brittany, I think we should lock the doors." I told her a little scared.

"Rachel, we're fine. Just calm down." She answered back. I could tell something wasn't right, I could feel it in the pit of my stomach. Then I heard someone start banging on the back of the car.

"Brittany lock the doors now and step on it!" I demanded. It was too late someone shattered the window open. I screamed and cried.

"Shut up or I'll shoot!" the strange man announced. The once peaceful Quinn was now awake and alert. I saw from the corner of my eye her trying to grab her phone to call the police; but unfortunately the man saw to. He had a crazed look in his eyes as he raised the gun then BOOM! The gun went off! Quinn's now cold body fell back into my lap. I could see the hole where the bullet had hit her. Blood came streaming out of her once beautiful body. I checked her pulse as I cried she was gone.

"Now if you don't want to end up like your friend then don't try anything!" he yelled at me and Britt. The stranger cut open Brittany's leg then threw her out of the car. I tried to fight him. I threw a punch, but he deflected it. He threw me onto the ground then lifted up my shirt and cut a 'S' into my stomach. How could he know? Maybe it's a coincidence? But still? The strange man drove off with our car. Quinn's body still in it. I could barely stand I screamed for help, but no one came. Then I saw Brittany a puddle of blood around her; I can't lose her too. I crawled over to her and wrapped my hoodie around her leg to keep the blood in. This left me in a tank top. My stomach had not stopped bleeding yet so I took it off and used my tank as a bandage.

After a few minutes Brittany was conscious. I was laying next to her in pain. She looked over at me then spoke. "I should've drove faster." She said crying. I grabbed her hand then squeezed it. I let go. I painfully pushed my self up and helped her get up too.

She put most of her weight on me, but I was fine. The hospital was not as far as she thought so we started walking. The both of us crying the whole way there; knowing only two of us would ever make it there.

After about twenty minutes we were at the hospital. We walked into the waiting room and saw all our friends already there. Mr. Shue instantly ran over to help us. He admitted us into the hospital.

They separated us up. Then hooked me up to a bunch of machines. After that I blacked out.


A/N Some of you might have read some of this chapter already, but it got messed up so I re-wrote some of it! hope you liked it!

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