Chapter 20

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Rachel's P.O.V.
*later that same night*
"Hey, Finn.", I say tiredly.
"Yeah, Rach?"
"Can you walk me home? My dads are waiting for me.", I tell him after getting like a thousand texts from my dads.
"Of course, babe!", He gives me a peck on the lips. He grabs my hand and walks me down stairs.
"Finn! Where are you guys going?", Burt questions.
"I'm walking Rachel home.", He says.
"Ok, be safe! Nice to have you back Rachel!", Burt says.
"Thanks, it's nice to be back!", I say smiling.
"Okay shall we?", Finn asks extending his arm to me.
"We shall!", I giggle and take his arm, we walk out the door. We walk silently for a while under the moonlight, when we start to walk by the park and I see Santana and Brittany sitting on a blanket eating and laughing and kissing. I feel a tear run down my face, and I realize I really lost her. Finn stops all of the sudden and sees the tears running down my face.
"Rach, what's wrong?", he asks sympathetically.
"Nothing let's just keep walking.", I tell him walking away from the park and them, Finn follows not to far behind.
"Come on, Rach! Obviously something is wrong!"
"Nothing is wrong!", I yell. Then he grabs me and makes me face him.
"Rachel, just be honest with me."
"I am. Now just let me go.", I say angrily shaking myself from his grip, and walking away.
"I thought we were going to be honest with each other from now on!", He yells at me. I turn around and look him.
"God, Finn! Can't you tell when you're being used!", I scream.
"What?", He speaks sadly, a tear rolling down his cheek.
"I'm sorry, Finn. But what were you expecting? I was mad at Santana so I was trying to get back at her! You know what I can walk the rest of the by myself; I can't deal with this right now! Goodbye Finn!", I yell at him and walk away back to my house.

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