Chapter 4

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Rachel's P.O.V.

When I woke up I was in the nurse's office with Santana standing by me.

"What the heck, Santana! What was that?!" I yelled at her.

"Did you think I didn't see that ring on your finger! You said you loved me Rachel! You loved me! And now you're marrying the guy you cheated on me with!" She yelled back. I did love Santana, I used to love Santana. Gosh was she beautiful. I've never seen any other girl so beautiful. No Rachel! You're in love with Finn! I sat up and yelled back.

"Santana! I loved you! But now it's over!"

"Rachel, you will never have with Finn what you had with me!" She yelled back at me. I was angry, but she was right. Then all the sudden she kissed me and there were so many fireworks it felt like it was the 4th of July. I kissed back then pulled away.

"Santana, I can't do this to Finn." I told her crying.

"You know what Rachel. Call me when you figure it out!" she stormed out crying.

Santana's P.O.V.

I stormed out of the nurse's office with tears streaming down my face. I wonder if Rachel felt what I felt when we kissed. I hope she did. I had to go find Hudson. Not sure what's gonna happen, but something's gonna happen. I went to the locker rooms and found him.

"Hey, Hudson!" I screamed at him.

"Santana, what do you want?" he asked.

"I want you to back off! Rachel may not know it yet but she's my girlfriend!" I yelled.

"Santana, get real she's not into YOU! We're the ones engaged not you two so why don't you back off!" he yelled back. Then I punched him in the face. Ow!!! My hand! But it did feel good! Then I yelled at him.

"Back off got it!"

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