Chapter 29

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Santana's P.O.V.
After Brittany left I sulked around for a few hours. I then heard a knock on the door I jumped up from the couch to answer it. The moment I opened the door I regretted it.
"What now, Rachel?! Did you just want to make sure I was miserable still?", I yelled angrily. God! Why can't she just take a hint!
"I found this in Quinn's room. I thought you might want it. I think it's a birthday present.", I took the box from her. I couldn't believe this.
"I'm sorry. Today's been a really bad day. Why don't you come on in?", I asked feeling horrible for yelling at her. I stepped to the side as she walked in taking a seat on the couch. I closed the door and sat next to her. I stared at the box and card that laid in my hands terrified to open it.
"So. Are you gonna open it?", She asked.
"I guess so.", I said back my eyes glued to the red and white polka dot box. I picked up the card and studied the handwriting on it. There was little doodles all over it. There was a castle in one corner and a flower in another. I carefully opened the card trying not to tear it too much. Nervously I opened to card and read it.
Dear Santana,
Happy 18th birthday! We made it! It's finally our senior year! I still can't believe it. I remember our first day of freshman year like it was just yesterday; I still have the matching bracelet we wore for good luck. I'm so happy I met you that first day of Middle School. We've had so many amazing memories together. I really hope you like the present. I know Christmas is right around the corner and I know that's your favorite time of year, because of your birthday and Christmas! I really hope you like it! I love you, Sanny!
I tore open the wrapping paper. I opened the medium sized box inside. Oh my god. She remembered. I studied the gold and white dress. And found a note inside.
Thought you could wear it on Christmas Eve when we go ice skating at Rocker Feller Center this year. My mom has the tickets. Tomorrow ask her for them! I have another surprise for you when we get there!
A single year escaped my eye. I closed the box and set it on the couch. I ran to the door slipping on my shoes and I coat. I grabbed my keys and left.
"Where are you going?!", I heard Rachel yell.
"I have to take care something! You can go! Thanks!", I yelled back. I saw her exit my house and walk to hers. I started the car and drove to Quinn's house nervously.
After what felt like a year I was there. I jumped out of the car and raced to the door. I knocked. A few moments later Ms.Fabray opened the door.
"Hi, Santana. I'm happy you stopped by. Come on in.", She said with a fake smile plastered to her face. I walked into the house and noticed it looked exactly the same as the last time I was here. Quinn's bag slung over the dining room chair. Her jacket still laid on the couch. It's like if I ran up stairs maybe she'd be sitting on her bed, feet up against the wall, listening to music.
I must've been stuck in my own thoughts for a while, because Ms.Fabray was already sitting on the love seat. I sat down next to her, laid my head in her lap, and cried. She stroked my hair and comforted me.
"I miss her, mama.", I told her. Ms.Fabray was not taken back by the name at all since eighth grade I've called her that. She picked me up and held me in her arms.
"I know you do, darling. So do I.", She told me; rocking me back and forth.
"It's gonna be weird not coming here for the weekends anymore.", I told her, my tears slowing down. I have no idea what I'll do now ever since my abuelita kicked me out of the house every weekend I'd stay over here. Friday night was game night. Saturday we went out to do whatever, Saturday night we watched movies and did our nails. Sunday we went to church and had family dinner. I felt like I had a family. I could always go to my abuelita's house, but I'm not ready to fully forgive her for what she did to me.
"Santana.", I was interrupted.
"Yes?", I replied.
"You will always have a place here. I could use some company around here anyways. It been quite lonely these past few weeks without you or Quinn here.", She said hugging me tightly.
"Thanks.", I said.
"Always.", She replied. I untangled myself from her arms and sat back hugging my knees.
"I have to ask you something.", I told her.
"What is it?", She asked.
"Rachel. She brought me over a birthday present Quinn had left for me. She told me in the note to ask you for plane tickets you were holding onto.", I told her wondering what this other surprise could be.
"Ahhh. Yes. I have them right over here.", She said getting up.
"You know I told Quinn this was never going to play out the way she wanted. But I think now Quinn would be very pleased with herself. I really hope you like the surprise she planned. She worked so hard on it. And Santana I won't be hurt if you want to bring someone with you. You shouldn't do this alone.", She continued handing me the tickets.
"Thanks, I'll have to think about it.", I told her. I knew I could take Brittany, but after that fight it's going to be hard to convince her.
"Why don't you stay the night tonight it'd be nice.", She asked.
"I'd love to, mom.", She kissed me on the forehead and walked away. I slipped off my coat and slipped on Quinn's coat it smelt like her. I'm finally starting to believe I'll be okay.

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