Chapter 25

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Rachel's P.O.V.
I stood in the back watching the memorial when someone came up behind me and grabbed my waist. I turned around walked over the side with her.
"Hey, mommy!", I said happy to see her.
"Hey, Rach. I love it when you call me that!", She said laughing. Then I heard someone scream. I turned around and saw Santana on her knees crying.
"Mom, I have to go help her.", I said about to walk up there, when she pulled me back.
"Rachel give her some space. She's a big girl she'll be fine.", She said.
"But-", I barely get out.
"No but's Rachel. Just let her be for a while. Okay?", She interrupts.
"Alright.", I say giving in.
"Are you ready to do this?", She asks.
"Yeah. Let's just let the pastor finish, then we can do what we planned.", I say.
"Where's Mason?", She asks looking around.
"Right there.", I point. He walks up to us.
"Yo Rach, Ms.Corcoran.", He says politely.
"What did I say, call me Shelby.", She informs him.
"Alright. Sup, Shelby.", He says smiling. She wraps an arm around him and half hugs him.
"Much better! You guys ready?", She asks.
"As ready as I'll ever be. Let's go!", I take Masons hand and the music starts. Everybody looks to the back, staring at us. We remove our coats me showing my neon pink crop top and neon green mini skirt. Mason showing his neon blue graffiti tee and neon green jeans. Then I start to sing.
"There's a stranger in my bed,
There's a pounding in my head.
Glitter all over the room.
Pink flamingos in the pool.
I smell like a minibar.
DJ's passed out in the yard.
Barbie's on the barbecue.
This a hickie or a bruise?", I sing and whip my hair around. Then Mason sings.
"Pictures of last night
Ended up online.
I'm screwed.
Oh well.
It's a blacked out blur.
But I'm pretty sure it ruled
Damn!", He sings loudly both of us dancing crazily. Then mom throws us two red solo cups, we catch them like a pro. Then we start to sing in unison.
"Last Friday night
Yeah, we danced on tabletops.
And we took too many shots.
Think we kissed but I forgot.

Last Friday night.
Yeah, we maxed our credit cards
And got kicked out of the bar
So we hit the boulevard.

Last Friday night,
We went streaking in the park,
Skinny dipping in the dark,
Then had a ménage à trois.
Last Friday night,
Yeah I think we broke the law.
Always say we're gonna stop.

This Friday night.
Do it all again.
This Friday night.
Do it all again!" We both sing. We crush the cups up and throw them on the ground, then walk off all sassy. We both run to my mom and give her a huge hug.
"Guys that was so good! I'm so proud of you guys!", She exclaims.
"Thanks mom!", We both say and give her another hug. I feel an arm grab me and drag me off.
Santana's P.O.V.
What was that! Why would they do that! Ugh!
I storm off and look for Rachel. I find her and drag her away from everyone.
"Gosh, Santana. What's your problem?", She asks rubbing her arm.
"What's my problem? What's my problem?! I don't know maybe it was that stunt you just pulled!", I yell at her.
"Gosh, stop freaking out! We were just having some fun!", She yells back.
"Could you try not ruining things for once! That was so disrespectful! What happened to you?!", I scream.
"Nothing happened! I was just trying to morn the loss of my friend!", She yells furiously.
"That was not morning that was being an idiot!", I scream loudly. I see tears form in her eyes and I instantly feel bad.
"God, Santana! You're not my mom! I wish you would stop being so controlling! And by the way you were never that good of friends with Quinn! She hated you like everybody else does! All you are and all you ever will be is a stuck up cheerleader! Got it?!", She yells and my heart breaks. I know I called her an idiot but I would never go that far. I storm off, but she grabs my arm and spins me around.
"San. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me.", She begs, cupping her hand around my face. I swat if off.
"Rachel, I've forgiven you so many times. I'm done.", I cry. I see everybody start to leave and I see Brittany walking over here.
"Rachel, I'm going to go to my loving and beautiful girlfriend now. So please just leave us alone.", I walk away and go to Britt.
"Hey, Sanny. What's wrong baby?", She asks pulling me into a hug.
"I'll tell you later. Right now I just need you.", I tell her crying. She pulls away and looks at me for a second. Then puts her arms around my neck, I put mine around her waist. Then she speaks.
"Santana Lopez, I'll always be here for you. I love you so much.", She says a tear going down her cheek. I look down.
"I love you too.", I say crying. She lifts my chin up and looks at me and leans in.
"You don't wanna kiss me right now. I'm all snotty.", I say.
"I don't care.", She says then kisses me. I kiss her back. She pulls away.
"Come on let's go.", She says. We let go and link pinkies.
"I love you.", I say.
"I love you too.

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