Chapter 6

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Finn's P.O.V.

I can't believe it! Rachel left me for Santana of all people! She will never be able to give Rachel what I gave her. How could Rachel love such a horrible person?!

I drove home alone and heartbroken. When I got home I started crying at the pictures of Rachel and I on my wall. I kicked over my chair furiously and tore down all the pictures and ripped them into pieces. I fell to the ground crying when Burt walked in.

"Hey, Finn. What's the matter?" he asked sounding fatherly as he pat my back. I lifted my head up and stood up and sat on my bed.

"M-me and Rachel broke up. She left me for someone else." I told him as I wiped the tears away from my eyes. He sat down next to me and put an arm around me.

"Finn, it's gonna be okay. And Rachel she's an idiot for leaving. And I'm sure you did nothing wrong." He told me reassuringly. I wonder if I should tell him I did do something wrong by punching out Santana, Rachel's new "girlfriend". I should before someone else does.

"Well... Um... Actually. I might have punched out the girl Rachel is in love with and sent her new girl to the ER." I told Burt.

"Wait. You punched Rachel's girlfriend. She has a girlfriend? And worst of all you punched a girl and since that girl is who Rachel left you for you definitely have no chance." Burt told me. I knew he was right I have no chance with Rachel.

"Yeah, it was a mistake. And I guess now I better start packing for Florida. This sucks." I announced.

"Finn, you're a great guy and you're going to find a great girl. I promise."

Santana's P.O.V.

After we returned the car back to Mr.Shue me and Rachel went to the park since I knew that was her favorite spot in Lima. We sat down under a huge oak tree right as the sun was setting. It couldn't be any more romantic. The way the sun hit Rachel she looked like an angle without her wings. I scooted closer and closer until I couldn't move any further. I leaned in and kissed her and she kissed back. Her lips tasted like the coke lip balm she always wears. We just sat there kissing till it was pitch black no words were spoken till now.

"Rachel, I love you so indescribably much. Please don't ever leave me again." I said looking into her beautiful eyes.

"Santana, I will never leave you again. And I love you too. And Finn was just a mistake that I don't ever want to make again." Rachel told so beautifully. We stood up hand in hand and I walked Rachel home. She was so beautiful and she was all mine. We finally reaches Rach's house. I gave her a kiss at the door then walked home.

Rachel's P.O.V.

Santana walked me home then kissed me passionately. I missed the feeling of her hand in mine and the taste of her lips.

I walked inside my dads' were already in bed so went upstairs to my room and did my usual night time ritual and grabbed my phone and Santana.

Just wanted to say I love you. ;)

I love you too, beautiful! Sweet dreams!

After that I fell asleep thinking of her and how amazing and beautiful she is.


A/N hey guys sorry this chapter is kinda short. Just wanted to do a quick update! Remember to vote and comment! Love y'all! 😘

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