Chapter 17

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Rachel's P.O.V.
Today I have my first treatment of chemo therapy, and I have to say after everything that's happened I'm not too fond of hospitals. My dad parks the car and we walk into the cold, drab, depressing building. We take the elevator up to the third floor where after waiting for what seemed like forever we are led into an even colder room; they start to put IVs in as I just sit there awkwardly. My dad wants to stay in there with me, but I tell him to go, I need to do this alone. I sit there and just look around the room that is painted a beautiful blue with silver stripes, the blue is almost the same color as Santana's room, then I start to remember the first time we met.
I look at my schedule trying to find my first period history class, when all the sudden I run into someone. I look up and see a beautiful brunette with olive skin. Then she speaks.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!", She speaks.
"It's okay I was probably a little to fascinated with my schedule.", I chuckle.
"Are you new here?", She asks.
"Yeah, I am. Umm... Do you know where room 221 is?", I ask shyly.
"Yeah, let me take you there. I'm Santana by the way.", She extends her hand to me, I accept her handshake.
"Rachel, it's nice to meet you.", I tell her nervously.
"It's nice to meet you, Rachel.", Santana wraps her arm around me and I tremble a little. We walk in silence for a few minutes and then she finally says something.
"So, here we are.", she stops in front of a class room and starts to speak again.
"So, I know this might be a little forward of me, but... Umm... You're very beautiful and would you like to go on a date with me.", She asks as I start to turn red.
"I-I'd love to.", I stutter.
"Ok meet after school in front of the school.", She leans in and kisses my cheek, then walks away.
*end of flashback*
Where has the time gone. Then all the sudden I feel my phone vibrate, then I look down and see a text from the one and only Santana Lopez.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those things, and I'm sorry I kissed Brittany after you. I'm sorry for everything, please forgive me. -S
She-She kissed Brittany.

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