Chapter 18

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Brittany's P.O.V.
After the kiss me and Santana hung out for a little bit, and I left feeling so completely in love. Maybe I should ask her out, she is single now, but not for long. I grab my phone and dial her number, then wait nervously.
"Hello?", She answers.
"Hey, San."
"Hi, Brittany."
"How are you, beautiful?", I ask all sing songy.
"I'm really good.", she says giggling.
"So, last night."
"Yes, last night. Umm... Britt, we should probably talk about that.", She says making me worry a little bit.
"Well, I was wondering would you like to go out on a date with me?", I ask nervously.
Santana's P.O.V.
"What?!", I ask.
"Will. You. Go. Out. With. Me?", She says once again.
"Brittany, I can't deny my feelings for you, but me and Rachel."
"Come on, San. You guys aren't together right now. Take a leap of faith.", She tells me. She is right.
"If I say yes you have to know one thing.", I warn her.
"What?", She asks.
"I told Rachel about our kiss. And said I still loved her. So you need to understand she was my first love and I will always have feelings for her.", I say.
"I understand.", she says happily.
"Then Brittany S. Pierce, will you go out with me?", I ask a little happily that I'm finally starting to get over Rachel.
"Yes, I will.", She replies happily.
"Then I'll pick you up at eight."
"Goodbye.", I then hang up the phone and start to plan our date.
Rachel's P.O.V.
I can't believe Santana kissed Brittany! Well you know what I can kiss somebody too!
"Dad, can you drop me off at Finn's house?", I ask sweetly.
"Why?", He questions.
"I forgot some stuff at his house the last time I was there.", I tell him.
"Thanks, daddy!", I say happily. We drive for a few minutes then we pull into his drive way.
"Do you want me to wait?"
"No, Finn can drive me home.", I tell him.
"You sure?", He interrogates.
"Yes, dad. I'll be fine.", I say a little bit annoyed.
"Ok, ok!"
"Bye, dad!", I close the door and walk up to his door and ring the doorbell. His mom opens the door.
"Hi, Mrs.Karol."
"Hi, Rachel. What's up?"
"Is Finn here I texted him I was coming over to pick up some of my stuff I left here?"
"Yeah, he's here go head on up."
"Thanks!", Skip in and run up to his room. I walk up to his door and open it.
"Hi, Finn.", I say walking up to him.
"Hi, Rachel. What are you-"
"Shhhh. Don't talk.", I interrupt him with a kiss. He pulls away a little.
"Rachel, why are you here?", He asks.
"Date me.", I say dryly.
"What?", He asks a little confused.
"I thought about what you where saying the other day and our kiss. And I realized that we should be together.", I explain, lying a little bit.
"What about Santana?"
"No more Santana. Just me and you.", Say wanting to kiss him.
"In that case Rachel will you be my girlfriend again?", He asks nervously.
"Yes, you idiot.", I say wrapping my arms around his neck and kiss him.
A/N HEY YALL!!!!! So how do you feel you all feel about this battle of the couples! I know it sorta unexpected but I needs my drama! Lol! Remember to vote and comment! Ok love you guys! Baiiiiii!

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