Chapter 28

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Santana's P.O.V.

She said yes! She said yes! A single tear ran down my face as she embraced me in her arms.

"I love you.", I said holding her so tight like if I was to let her go she'd disappear.

"And I promise one day I will marry you. One day you will replace that ring with a wedding band. I will never ever let you go Brittany S. Pierce.", I whispered into her ear stroking her hair.

"I love you too. And I don't care how big the diamond is or how extravagant the wedding is or how much money you have, I will always say yes. And that is a promise.", After she said that it wasn't just a single tear escaping my eye it was a waterfall. I just couldn't stop crying. I let go and stood up. Once I finally stopped crying I saw Brittany sitting on my bedside with a box of tissues.

"Thanks!", I laughed. I took one and dried my eyes. My phone started ringing I answered it.

"Hello?", I ask.

"Hey! It's Stacy!", She said happily.

"Oh my gosh! Hey Stace! How are you? How's Kentucky?". I say excitedly.

"Its great! Actually everything is great!", She says.

"I miss you so much, babe!", I can hear her laughing in the background. I wonder what she could be up to...

"If you miss me so much then why don't you walk outside?", She says.

"Wha-", Then I was cut off by the beep of the phone call ending. I slip on my flip flops then run down stairs.

"San! Where are you going?!", I hear Brittany yell as she runs behind me. I burst open the front door and there's Stacy! I run to her then tackle her down giving her a hug.

"Nice to see you too, San!", We both bust up laughing. I slide off of my best friend laughing harder than I have in ages. We lay there on the grass laughing until our laughter is interrupted.

"Ahem! Hi. Santana, would you like to introduce me to your friend here?", She says obviously upset. I stand up then pull Stacy up.

"Thanks!", She says wiping the dirt off of her.

"Babe, there's no need to be upset! This is my very best friend Stacy! We've been friends since second grade when Lacy Johnson pulled my hair on the playground and she defended me!", I say happily.

"Hi, Brittany.", She extends her hand to Stacy. Stacy accepts.

"Yo, Stacy. Nice to meet you!", She says all bubbly.

"You too.", Brittany says rudely.

"So, Stace how long you gonna be here?", I say intervening.

"A whole month! You know what that means!", She says excitedly.

"The wild cards are back baby!", I squeal.

"What's the wild cards?", Brittany questions.

"When me and San were younger everybody called us that cause nobody knew what we'd do next!", Stacy says. She pulls out her phone and starts talking to somebody.

"Okay. Okay. Okay, mom.", She says sounding slightly annoyed.

"Hey, that was my mom I gotta head back to the hotel.", She says sadly.

"Okay... Do you want a ride?", I ask.

"Nah, I'm good. It was nice meeting you Brittany!"

"Mmmhmm...", She replies rudely.

"Okay, then. San, wanna ditch and go out to the lake tomorrow with me and my folks?", She asks remembering how much I love the lake.

"Of course!", I say excitedly.

"Yay! We'll meet you and your parents at the lake tomorrow!", She says.

"Sounds like a plan!", I say. Stacy leans in and gives me a hug.

"Love you, San.", She whispers so Britt won't here.

"Love you too!", I say loud enough for Brittany to hear. We give each other a kiss on the cheek.

"Ahem!", Brittany coughs.

"Well, I guess that's my que to leave. Bye, San!", She waves then walks away. I walk into the house with my arms crossed. Once the door shuts I lose it.

"What the heck, Brittany!", I yell.

"What?", She asks innocently.

"Why were you being so rude to her? We are just friends!", I say defending myself.

"Sure didn't seem like it.", She says rolling her eyes.

"God, Brittany! I gave you that ring saying how much I love you and you don't even trust me. Will you please leave I need some space right now?", I say on the verge of tears.

"San...", She says.

"Please just go..."

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