Chapter 26

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Brittany's P.O.V.
Santana and I walk back to the car, our pinkies linked. We stop at our cars and look at each other for a second, then I speak.
"So... are you going to the wake?", I ask awkwardly.
"Umm. No I think I'm just going to head home. Wanna meet me there?", She asks sadly.
"Santana?", I ask.
"Yes, darling.", She answers.
"Do you love me?", I ask my head down.
"What? Why would you even ask that? I've never loved somebody as much as I love you.", She says, lifting my head up.
"Don't you ever think I don't love you. You are my everything.", She says, giving me a kiss. A tear escapes my eye.
"I love you too.", I say crying.
"I'll meet you at your house.", I say.
"See you then.", She says. We both get into our cars. I turn on the radio and back out my spot, then head to Santana's house. One song ends then another comes on... It's Quinn and I's song. I start to sing the words.
"It's a little bit funny this feeling this inside. I'm not one of those who can easily hide. Don't have much money but boy if I did I'd buy a big house where we could both live.", I sing tears running down my face. I turn down the song, it hurts too much I start to think about how me and Quinn broke up.
"Hey you!", Quinn snuck up behind me and kissed my cheek.
"Hey, Quinn. What are you doing here?", I ask preoccupied. She sits on my bed across from.
"I thought I could come surprise my favorite girl!", She says happily.
"Oh okay.", I say staring off into space.
"What's been up with you lately, Britt?", She asks. God, can't she just leave me alone.
"Britt? Hello Britt?", She says waving her hand in front of my face. I quickly snap out of my thoughts.
"Oh, sorry! Hey!", I say.
"What's the matter?", She asks again.
"Nothing. I'm fine.", I say obviously lying.
"Come on. It's me and you. Be honest.", She says taking one of my hands.
"You have to promise not to hate me.", I say looking down. She let's go of my hand and takes her finger and puts it under my chin making me face her.
"I would never hate you.", She says sweetly.
"I'm. In love. With. Santana.", I say then I see the tears come out of her eyes. She gets off my bed and turns her back to me.
"What?", She cries.
"I'm sorry.", I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her.
"Britt, no.", She says and takes herself out of my grip.
"Please forgive me.", I say. Then she turns around.
"I'm not mad though. I'm just confused.", She says.
"I don't know, Quinn. I fell for a girl I can't have.", I say a tear rolling down my cheek.
"What about us? Aren't you happy?", She asks sitting on the couch.
"I thought I was.", I say sitting down next to her.
"Okay.", She says.
"Okay what?", I say confused.
"Okay, I'm letting you go.", She says crying.
"Why though?", I ask.
"Britt, I love you too much to force you to stay here.", She says sitting up.
"Thank you.", I say with tears of joy in my eyes.
"I really hope you get her.", She hugs me.
"I do too. I do too.", I whisper into her ear.
*end of flashback*
A/N do you guys like this story so far????? Love y'all btw!

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