Chapter 16

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Santana's P.O.V.
I watched Rachel slowly walk out the room. Her ponytail swaying as she walked; I could here her slam the door angrily. Then I heard a tap on my window, I picked up my crutches and stood up, I saw Britt standing there at my window. I popped the window open and sat back and let her climb through.
"Hey, Britt.", I said my voice cracking.
"Hey, San.", she said as she jumped down from the window.
"What's the matter?", she asked, well wrapping her arm around my shoulders.
"It's R-Rachel.", I said crying my face in my hands.
"What happened?", She asked moving a little closer.
"Since she was dying anyways I asked her to marry just so I could say I married the love of my life, and she said no.", I cried to Brittany. The blonde removed her arm and stood up.
"That idiot! She doesn't deserve your love she never did! I was trying to be nice, but to break your heart like this! Ugh! And she knew I loved you too, but she didn't care!", I interrupted her tantrum and sat up.
"Wait, you loved me?", I ask.
"Well, yeah. I mean I still do.", She told me blushing.
"Britt sit down.", I commanded. She sat and I took her hand.
"Britt, are you a hundred percent sure you're in love with me?"
"Santana, I have been since the day we met.", She tells me. At that moment I feel myself start to lean in my lips inching closer to hers; I wrap my arms around her neck and then I do it... I kiss her.
A/N HAIII!!!! Sorry I haven't updated for a while I've just been so busy lately! But that cliff hanger do! So what do you guys think! Remember to vote and comment!
Much love,

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