Chapter 13

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Santana's P.O.V.
It's about 6am and I've finally been admitted out of the hospital, with a broken leg and a little bit of head trauma; thankfully the doctor said with lots of rest I should be back to normal soon, and the cast will come off in three months.
They roll me out into the waiting room where I see everybody from glee club, except Rachel. Britt walks over to me with tears rolling down her face, and she kneels down next to me and starts to speak. "Santana, I'm so happy you're alive and well...", she tells me I can tell there's more tho.
"Britt, I know you're hiding something. Just tell me.", I tell her slightly annoyed that she's hiding something from me.
"San, please don't freak and I know everything is going to be ok, but Rach-Rachel. Sh-Sh-She has c-c-c-cancer.", Tears roll down both me and Brittany's face when she tells me this. My beautiful Rachie has cancer! The love of my life could die!
"Okay.", I tell Brittany acting a lot calmer than I am. I roll away from her, I see an empty spot so I go over and just sit there. My pain is not visible, yet it is seeping through and creating scars. I sit in silence in the dark hospital waiting room when I see Finn pull a chair up next to me.
"Hey, San.", He says surprisingly sweetly.
"Hey, Finn. What's up?", I ask him.
"I wanted to apologize to you, for everything. I now see I was a huge jerk. I shouldn't have punched you or yelled at you, I was just mad that she loved you more than me. And I'm sorry I let her get away from you in the first place, I just wanted her so badly I didn't think about how I would hurt you. So will please forgive me?", I see for the first time how great Finn is. He's letting go of Rachel, so I can have her.
"Finn, I forgive you. And trust me I understand why you did what you did, I probably would've done the same. Friends?", I ask.
"Friends." He answers giving me a hug. We sit in silence for a few minutes until he finally breaks it.
"How are you taking the news about Rach?", He asks.
"I'm trying to be strong but I just can't. It hurts so much, but I have to be strong for her, for me.", I tell him crying a little.
"It's all gonna be alright, San."
___________________________ A/N hey y'all! Hope you guys liked this chapter! Love you guys!!!

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