Chapter 12

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Rachel's P.O.V.

i woke up in the cold ICU, my body has been hooked up to several machines. How did my life seem so good then go so wrong? Right now all I want is my bestfriend, but for all I know she could be dead. Why can't me and Santana just be happy? It seems that the universe is fighting on the otherside of the battlefield, trying to take us down. Ugghhh... I have a horrible pain in my stomach where I'd been cut; I called the nurse.

"Hello, Ms.Berry. How are you today?", She asked.

"As good as a girl can be, when she's in the ICU." I told her in pain.
"Well you obviously didn't lose your sense of humor. Now how do you really feel?" She snapped at me.
"Ok, well I have a sharp pain in my stomach and now I'm feeling a little woozy." My vision started to get blurry and I saw spots all over the room. My head slammed down onto my bed, then the nurse came over and checked out some of the tests saying that I had some eternal bleeding in my stomach, whatever that means, then I just heard a bunch of yelling and something about an OR. Then I blacked out.
Brittany's P.O.V.
I've been admitted out of the hospital, much wasn't really wrong with me I was mainly just dehydrated and had to get some stitches other than that I'm good. I've been sitting in the waiting room waiting to hear news about Santana and Rachel, but the most they've told us is that they have both woken up.
I'm so scared that one of them will end up like my beautiful jolly rancher, Quinn. I miss her so much right now all I want is for her to tell me everything is going to be okay. Quinn was my best friend and now where is she dead and in the ground. I start to cry thinking about her and everything else that has gone on today. I lost my best friend and now two of my other best friends are in the ICU. Why can't for once everything just be okay?
A few minutes later a nurse walks in and asks for the family of Rachel Berry, we all stand up she looks shocked but does not question it. She tells us that Rachel is in the operating room for some eternal bleeding. Then she begins to have a lost for words then she says one of the worst things ever, "Rachel Berry has cancer."
A/N HEY GUYS! Sorry I haven't updated for awhile but here's a new chapter! So what do you guys think about this cliff hanger! Will Rachel survive or die? Ok guys remember read, comment, and vote! Love y'all!

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